Chapter 20. Have My Say

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"clever girl" Niall exclaims as Aria sorta swims towards him Aria squealing as she gets to him i just smile shaking my head i look down as Nialls phone vibrates next to me i look up seeing him focused on Aria and decide to just see what it was. i'm really curious of what the girls were saying to him i want to know why it effected him so much and why it was so bad Simon got the police involved with it, i tap the phone seeing twitter i unlock it keeping it on the couch so he doesn't notice.

i don't want to betray his trust and i guess looking at it is betraying him in a way but i just have to know, i go onto his dms seeing a groupchat titled "#1 niall haters" what is wrong with some people? i click onto the group seeing them threatening him telling him that they'd stab him if they ever meet him ,that Aria probably isn't his, that he's not good enough for me and i deserve better, overall my heart breaking. what's crazier is all their profile pictures are either me, him or both of us, the internet is one crazy place.

i lock the phone looking up and seeing them both getting out of the pool i grab my own phone going onto my own twitter seeing him trending as people are starting to become aware of it all i go onto instagram seeing a few posts about it too "u okay?" Niall smiles as he sits down next to me i just nod reading through some comments he looks at my phone his eyes widening "people know?" he mutters i sigh and just nod slightly licking my lips "how?" he asks i just shrug going onto twitter "i think the girls tweeted about it or something?" i tell him he just groans throwing his head back his hands covering his face

"i'm gonna say something" i tell him his head shooting up again "Jade no you know the rule" he says trying to grab my phone i just shake my head "i need to" i tell him he sighs just laying down and putting his head on my lap with his legs up, i play with his hair with one of my hands while typing with the other


jadethirlwall i hate talking about things over the internet, but i have to have my say on this one

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jadethirlwall i hate talking about things over the internet, but i have to have my say on this one. Niall has the biggest heart and is one of the most kindest people i have ever meet, im forever grateful that i get to call him mine. the fact that people felt the need to not only hurt him but threaten him is disgusting and beyond words, this should never be happening to anyone wether there famous or not, the girls who thought all this was okay should be ashamed of themselves i find it even more crazy that they try to call themselves fans and use our pictures for their profiles but alls i'm going to say is if you have nothing nice to say DONT say anything at all bc your only hurting truly good people to make your disgusting self feel better, i hope all the people who would never do such a thing have a great day❤️
niallerboyy: PREACH IT👏🏻👏🏻
perrieedwards: couldn't have said it better🤷🏽‍♀️

"eh fair enough" Niall laughs a little as he reads it i just smile pecking his lips, he seems a lot better than he was he seems happier in himself it's like he suddenly knows that he's safe and no one will be able to hurt him. Aria runs over to us climbing up and sitting on Nialls stomach leaning back on his legs "i love you baby" Niall smiles sitting up and leaning on my side she giggles leaning over and kissing his cheek

"wove you ore" she exclaims she then kisses my cheek too "wove you mamma" she giggles wrapping her arms around Nialls neck "i love you too" i smile moving her hair out of her face. these are my favourite times when we can just sit as a family and just enjoy each other's company, i love Niall and Aria with all my heart and i never want to be without them ever.


niallhoran just a little appreciation post for the women i so luckily get to call my fiancé and the mother to our baby

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niallhoran just a little appreciation post for the women i so luckily get to call my fiancé and the mother to our baby. she is the most amazing person in this whole world and i don't know what i would ever do without her, she's not only my wife to be but my best friend and the most amazing women i have ever meet. thank you for everything you do for us beautiful we love you so much❤️. (just so you all know the girls have been dealt with and there is consequences for their actions thank you for all the kind messages i love all you guys too)
jadethirlwall: i love you so much🥺
jesynelson: mr horan your gonna make me cry!

"he motivate me, yeah that's my baby"

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