Chapter 57. Look

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"mamma ook" Aria quietly exclaims sitting up and pointing at Niall i turn my head to see his eyes flickering opening my jaw dropping as he reveals his bright blue eyes "Ni" i mutter biting my bottom lip as he blinks a couple times most likely trying to figure out what's going on "what happened?" he asks looking up at me i just smile my tears becoming happy ones "you saved my life but got hit by a car" i whisper to him his eyes widening "really?" he mouths i just nod slightly laughing as he rubs his hand against his forehead trying to process what he's just been told

"dadda i issed ou" Aria exclaims carefully wrapping her arms around his neck a huge smile forming on his face as he hugs her back tears forming in my eyes mainly because at one point i thought i may never of seen this again. "do you remember everything?" i ask him as Aria lets go of him he just nods looking around the room i just sigh in relief that was my biggest fear because there's always a chance that if they don't remember they may never remember again and could end up living a whole new life. "i love you" he mutters looking up at me his eyes full of tears melting my heart i just smile grabbing hold of his hand "i love you more" i mutter trying my best to hold my tears back he pulls both me and Aria as close to him as possible holding on tightly as he quietly lets out his tears.



"now anything you need just shout me okay, ill join you soon" Jade smiles at me kissing my forehead i just nod watching her walk out of the room, i feel insanely lucky that I'm even sat here the doctors predicted that id have all types of injuries like broken bones and things but the only thing they did was stitches on my head where my hair was covering there's also a few stitches on my side where apparently a piece of glass was but i don't even care because pain is temporary and i still have my life.

my phone hasn't stopped vibrating from all sorts of messages wishing me well I've felt really loved too, its the most surreal experience of my life if I'm honest "good night baby" i hear Jade say and Arias bed room door shut i lay down properly on the bed yawning a little as jade comes in "you okay?" Jade slightly smiles as she sits down next to me i just nod and just as she's about to lay down there's a knock on the door "its half ten at night what on earth could someone want?" i groan as Jade jumps back up "no idea" she sighs as she walks out the room i turn off the tv listening as Jade makes it down the stairs the front door creaking open my whole face scrunching up as the last voice id want to hear says "where is my son?"

i groan throwing the covers over my face, not today i just don't have the energy for it. the bedroom door swings open and i decide to shut my eyes hoping she'll think I'm asleep "Niall ive been so worried" she exclaims sitting down on the bed .for fuck sake. i take the covers off my head slightly smiling as Jade walks back in she doesn't even acknowledge my mum but just lays down in bed putting the covers over her head "i couldn't believe it when i seen the pictures" she exclaims putting her hands against my cheeks i just smile wishing she'd of just rang like every other family member did "plus i thought i may as well stay the week seeing as its Arias birthday in a week" she shrugs my eyes widening as Jade sits up throwing the covers off herself

"well tomorrow its the 4th of February" she says i turn my head to Jade, I'm actually lost for words now "were the worst parents ever" i mutter shaking my head she just nods rubbing her eyes. its lucky that we've been buying her things for a few months now and we don't have to stress as much "I'm gonna have to go with my mam or something tomorrow" Jade mutters turning around and picking up her phone "what?" i mutter giving her a confused look she turns around looking at me the exact same "you have to rest Ni" she sighs i just nod sitting back

"so can i stay?" my mum asks making me jump, kinda forgot she was even there for a moment i look at Jade as she nods my mum jumping up kissing my cheek and running out the room. "yay" i sarcastically exclaim making Jade laugh, my mum staying was probably the last thing i needed right now "just spend all day tomorrow in here with Ari and Charlie" Jade shrugs i nod as she lays down again i wrap my arms around her resting my hands around her bump placing a kiss against her neck "i love you bubs" i whisper resting my head right behind hers "i love you more"she whispers holding onto my hands.


niallhoran heyyy guys, i'm back home and i'm all good few stitches but i'm on the road to recovery now, thanks for all your messages love you all❤️jadehoran: i love you❤️alexoxladechamberlain: happy to see you back❤️leighannepinnock: ❤️

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niallhoran heyyy guys, i'm back home and i'm all good few stitches but i'm on the road to recovery now, thanks for all your messages love you all❤️
jadehoran: i love you❤️
alexoxladechamberlain: happy to see you back❤️
leighannepinnock: ❤️

"cause when i'm not with you i'm weaker"

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