Chapter 58. 3rd Birthday

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"can you believe it?" Jade pouts as she comes to my side wrapping her arms around me, both of us watching Aria while she plays with all her new things, Charlie playing with the wrapping paper, i wrap my arms around Jade trying to make the most of this moment. it can't really get my head around how Aria is already three, it feels like it was just yesterday that she was born and it was the most surreal feeling i have ever felt in my whole life, that feeling in a way has stayed with me because no matter what she never fails to make my day and is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"we need to get her ready bub"Jade mutters looking up at me a huge smile on her face i just nod pecking her lips "baby come on" i shout Aria looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face, i'm not really sad like we usually are on Arias birthday i'm more just grateful for both of them and the life we have, were extremely lucky. i pick up Aria putting her on my hip and walking up the stairs it's gonna be an amazing day.


"shes gonna be starting school next year" Jade quietly exclaims to me as we sit back on the couch just observing the party i just smile wiping my eyes "Ni are you crying?" she exclaims slightly giggling and wiping my eyes i just laugh pushing my hair out of my face "i just can't believe she's basically all grown up" i laugh wrapping my arms around Jade she shakes her head resting her hands against my face "and you make fun of me every year" she giggles i just shake my head pecking her lips.

she looks at her phone her eyes widening as does but she just locks it shoving it in her pocket "what?" i ask her giving her a confused look she just shakes her head standing up "let's.... do the cake" she mutters walking off i just shake my head wiping my eyes again before going over to Aria playing with her cousins "baby" i smile bending down in front of her she puts her arms out wrapping them around my neck "time for the cake princess" i tell her making her squeal with excitement i pick her up putting her on my hip as Jade and Perrie come out the house with the cake i walk over to them meeting them half way as everyone gathers around

"happy birthday to you happy birthday to you" everyone sings Aria looking at me in amazement she's been working on how to blow out the candles for weeks so i don't have to help her this year "happy birthday dear Aria" everyone using different nicknames for her "ready?" i whisper she nods holding onto my shirt as tight as she can "happy birthday to you" everyone sings all of them cheering as she blows them out her jaw dropping as all the candles go out "daddy i did it" she squeals huge smile growing on my face which then turns into a shocked expression when i realise what she's just said "clever girl" i exclaim looking at Jade for a second who has a huge smile on her face

"Ari boo who's that?" Louis asks pointing at me she gives him a confused look but giggles "daddy" she squeals i quickly hug her as everyone cheers. Jade coming over to us taking Aria off me and hugging her tightly Leigh then coming and grabbing my arm pulling me away from everyone "Leigh what's wrong?" i quietly exclaim trying to keep my eyes on Aria and Jade, Jesy and Perrie then coming and joining us i just give them all confused looks all of them glancing at each other before looking over at Jade "what's going on guys" i exclaim making them all jump, Perrie sighs grabbing my hands and looking over at Jade who just nods at us

"management contacted us the other day" Perrie says i just give her a confused look again, why do they seem so worried about it? it can't be anything bad "its good for us and bad for you"Leigh mutters sending my head into overdrive of every possible situation that it could be "you know after the baby comes?" Perrie asks i just nod as quickly as i can, what's it got to do with the baby or management and why is it bad for me? "a month after their born well be going on tour" Jesy rushes out my eyes widening as she finishes Perries grip tightening on my hands "its only four months and everyones gonna help you as much as possible" Perrie tells me i just look at her in disbelief. i can handle looking after two on my own i know what to do its more how Jade isn't going to be here and experience it all with me, how can we be a proper family when she won't be here, its amazing that there going to get to tour but why can't we come with them i guess its not the best thing to do with a three year old and a newborn but still.

"are you okay?" Leigh asks i just nod taking my hands from Perrie and going over to Jade chatting away to her mum i just wrap my arms around her waist resting my chin on her shoulder,Norma just smiling at us "I'm so proud of you" i whisper to her she just smiles grabbing my hands "your not angry?" she whispers making me laugh i kiss her cheek then turn her around to face me "how could i be, I'm so proud of you bub" i tell her a smile growing on her face "i am gonna miss you tho" i mutter kissing her forehead she just giggles burying her head into my neck, Aria then running over to us i pick her up holding her in-between us "est bithay ever daddy" she squeals kissing my cheek and then Jades "i love you" i smile, i have the greatest family on earth.


niallhoran i want to wish my princess the happiest 3rd birthday possible, i can't believe its already been three years since i held you in my arms for the first time

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niallhoran i want to wish my princess the happiest 3rd birthday possible, i can't believe its already been three years since i held you in my arms for the first time. you never fail to put a smile on our faces from being our little ray of sunshine you are and were already incredibly proud of you baby, there are no words to describe how much me and mummy love you because we love you more and more everyday if that's even possible. never stop being you baby💗
jadethirlwall: this is the cutest i don't think i could have said it any better myself🥺💗
perrieedwards: horan!! this is so cute🥺

"now the spark we got won't ever die"

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