Chapter 52. Music

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being dragged into work really early of a morning has to be one of my biggest hates ever, it's 7am i should be sleeping not stuck in an office for some reason i'm also on my own which i don't fully understand why, i've never been in a meeting without the boys it feels really weird without them. "Niall" Paul exclaims coming into the room and sitting on the other side of the desk i just smile unsure of what to do, even now we do solo things we usually all still have meetings together so usually Liam does all the talking for us so we can just sit back and listen i really don't know what to say

"so i guess your wondering why your the only one here?" he asks me i instantly nod just looking down at the ground. "they want you to lend your voice to a song with an artist named Ashe" he says my eyes widening i look up at him completely confused, it's been 7 years and i've never released a song without the boys i don't really plan on starting just now either i kinda still wanted to wait a year and have the perfect album first "it's literally half a song they really want you to they think your the only voice perfect for it" he says i just look at him my face probably reading confusion, why me? i mean surely there'd be someone else that's ten times better than me for it.

the room door then opens a woman who i'm guessing is Ashe walking in she looks extremely excited, oh god help me, she comes and sits down next to me "sorry to be really upfront but will you do it?" she asks a huge smile on her face i just take a deep breath looking at Paul again who just shrugs "i need to talk to my band mates before i do anything" i tell her, i do though because me and the boys are still working on an album and if i do this i can't focus on the album, her face drops slightly but she just nods, why do i now feel awful

"right i best go, Arias gonna be up any minute and she won't be too happy that i'm not home" i mutter standing up Paul just nods and i quickly walk out the room. i pull my phone out messaging the band group chat to meet me in half an hour before walking out of the building i jump in my car racing home as quickly as possible. once i get home i go straight into the kitchen sitting down at the island resting my head in my hands, if i do this it would be really great, it would be fun and something different we've never collabed with anyone but the girls it would be nice, but i don't want to because the band will always be my first priority because i wouldn't be where i am without the boys, and nothing solo will ever come before it no matter what

"Nialler" i hear Louis exclaim the front door slamming shut after him my nerves starting to build up more and more as the three of them come into the kitchen all of them rushing to my side "what happened?" Liam exclaims his arms wrapped around me i just laugh trying to think of a way to say this "i've had this offer" i mutter to them Harry and Louis standing on the opposite side of the island Liam sitting down next to me "your not leaving the band are you?" Louis asks i shake my head instantly keeping my eyes on the island as he lets out a sigh of relief

"they want me to do a song with this girl named Ashe but i wanted to talk to you guys before i do anything" i rush out looking up at them all at the end all of them smiling at me i just look at them confused as they all start to laugh "Niall that's great you should do it" Harry exclaims i look at Louis and Liam who just nod "i don't wanna disrespect you guys though the band always comes first" i tell them all of them laughing again "your not gonna disrespect us, message them say you'll do it, we can't wait to hear it" Liam says pulling me into another hug i just laugh grabbing my phone messaging Paul and then putting it back down im kinda excited to do this now


"they think our voices will go great together, according to Paul he thinks me and her will have great chemistry or something" i listen to Niall say i just shake my head walking back up the stairs and back into our room sitting back down next to Aria while she sleeps, she woke up a little while ago complained of not feeling well and went back asleep so today is already going to be a challenging day "alright guys see you later" i hear Niall shout the front door slamming shut i get back under the covers putting my arms around Aria and just shutting my eyes.

i'm not annoyed or anything, but i don't like to hear that people think a girl has good chemistry with my husband i mean who would wanna hear that? i listen to Niall as he walks up the stairs the bedroom door slowly opening, he sighs as soon as it stops "J you awake?" he whispers i just slowly open my eyes a smile forming on his face as i do "is everything okay?" he asks looking at Aria then back at me i shake my head looking down at Aria moving her fallen bits of hair out of her face

"she doesn't feel well"i tell him he nods coming and sitting on the bed next to her, he switches on the tv putting it at a low volume "guess what" he mutters turning his head to me i just smile "what?" i mumble, there's a huge smile on his face i actually have no idea what it is apart from that he has great chemistry "i'm gonna be doing a solo collab with a girl named Ashe" he tells me a huge smile on his face my smile growing, he truly deserves this especially after becoming self conscious over his voice and feeling like it wasnt good enough he truly deserves to show it off "i'm so proud of you" i smile leaning over and pecking his lips


niallhoran got some exciting news coming soon🤪jadehoran: so proud of you🥰louist91: can't wait!!ashemusic: 👀👀

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niallhoran got some exciting news coming soon🤪
jadehoran: so proud of you🥰
louist91: can't wait!!
ashemusic: 👀👀

"it's funny how a memory, turns into a bad dream"

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