Chapter 1

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September 10.

"Hailey, wake up! You're going to be late," Kelly's urgent voice pierced through the room, a familiar sound signaling the beginning of another day. Kelly, my unwavering support, always there when I need her.

"Alright, I'm up," I sighed, the daily ritual of resisting the morning routine. Yet, I succumbed to the temptation of a few more minutes of rest. A decision regretted as I unintentionally fell back asleep.

"Honestly, Hailey Fox! Wake up!" Kelly's patience waned, a pillow launched in my direction jolting me awake.

"I'm up, I'm up," I groaned, hastily rising from the bed. Panicked, I asked, "What time is it?"

"8:30 am," Kelly's reply sent shockwaves through me. My class loomed, a mere ten minutes away.

"8:30?! Why didn't you kick me out of bed?" I frantically searched for my clothes, realizing the impending lateness. "My class starts in ten minutes, and I'm nowhere near ready! I'm going to be incredibly late!" Panic laced my words.

"Hailey, calm down. You always make it. It's only a two-minute walk to your class. Put on some clothes, fix yourself quickly, and go!" Kelly's serious expression reminded me to breathe amidst the morning chaos.


Later that day.

Post-lecture, I surveyed my appearance with dissatisfaction. A hasty ensemble of black leggings, a white crop top, a yellow sweater, and white sneakers adorned me. The absence of contact lenses forced me into glasses, an accessory I disliked but Kelly insisted looked cute.

Despite my rushed start, I arrived on time for class. The lecture, though mundane, marked the beginning of the semester. Hoping for more engaging days ahead, I craved caffeine and headed to the campus coffee shop.

'Friendly Bean,' a quaint vintage establishment adorned with flowers, welcomed me. The aroma of coffee and the amiable barista, Anastasia Bennet, greeted me. Her toothy smile radiated warmth.

"Hey, Anna," I greeted.

"Hey, H! Nice to see you again. How was your summer break?" Anna's genuine interest mirrored the inviting atmosphere.

Attempting to mask the tumultuous memories, I replied, "It was okay, kind of fun. Spent the summer with my dad. What about you?"

"Kind of fun?" Anna sensed the evasion in my response.

"Yeah," I chuckled awkwardly. "Just me and my dad, a bit dull, but I cherish the time with him. We don't see each other much when I'm at college."

"Oh, got it," Anna winked knowingly. "My summer was a blast. Went to Greece with my family for two weeks – breathtaking. Spent the rest partying with friends."

"That sounds amazing. Happy for you," I replied, masking the pain beneath a weak smile.

"Usual?" Anna queried, steering the conversation back to the reason for my visit.

"Yes, please," I nodded. My regular order, an ice caramel latte with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, provided a comforting routine.

"Here you go," Anna handed me my coffee. "See you soon."

"Thanks, see you," I said, mustering a wink as I took my coffee. My summer, a painful chapter I preferred to avoid, unfolded in the recesses of my mind. Only Kelly knew the truth about the challenges I faced, the dark shadows that lurked within my family.

My dad, battling addiction, inflicted not only mental but physical wounds during the summer. Yet, I chose not to delve into those memories at the moment.

Time pressed on, and I reluctantly left the coffee shop, cognizant of another impending class in ten minutes.


I'm rewriting some of the chapters! Because I didn't like how they sounded

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