Chapter 25

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Warning: sexual content <3


When I wake up, Harry still sleeping peacefully. And I can't stop thinking about my recent life events. Did that really happen? Did I dream it? Did I really found my real parents? Is Louis really my brother?

This all sounds good to be true, because honestly I'm not that lucky.

I turn over to look for phone... and I remember that he took it away. Right we are still in this daddy dom/little girl thing.

Well if he wants me act like a little girl, he's gonna get it. I stand up from the bed and jump right on top of him shouting, "Daddy! Wake up!"

He gasp and immediately open his eyes in confusion, "Amelia, what you think you're doing?" He asks me making me giggle.

He didn't forget to call me Amelia, so it wasn't a dream. I am Amelia Tomlinson.

"Well I'm trying this ddlg thing daddy, so I'm trying to stay in the role." I explain to him as I look down at him.

"I see.." he smirks. "It's gonna be long five days for me." He chuckles making me laugh.

It's true.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." I pout my lip looking at him innocently.

Wow I'm better at this that I expected.

He chuckles, "Alright little one, I'm gonna make you some sausage with eggs." He says to me making me drop my smile.

I don't like sausages that much, so now I'll put my all acting skills for him.

"I don't like sausages!" I whine like a child, raising my voice as I cross my arms.

"Watch your tone young lady, and your eating sausages like a good girl, end of discussion." He says now in more serious tone.

Okay Amelia, let's give him some tears.

I immediately felt my eyes watering, "I WANT BACON!" I cry now.

Okay that might me be too much, but I don't care I'm having fun.

"Stop being a brat. Now." He says to me making me sob more.

I could be an actress, I can cry on cue, that's so funny. I jump off him as I sit on the end of the bed now, with crossed arms sobbing. "You're a mean daddy." I sob out.

I hear him sigh, "Amelia." He says in warning tone but I don't say nothing, and not even moving a inch. "Fine, I'll make you bacon." He finally says making me turn my head with a smile to him and jump back to him and kiss him.

"Thank you daddy." I smirk to my win.

"You're really good at this ddlg thing baby, it's coming for you so natural. Just I wanted you to know that I'm proud of you that your coming out of comfort zone." He says breaking a role for a moment.

His making me smile and break my role as well, "Thank you, I'm really trying." I say as I connected our mouths again.

I break from the kiss, "Daddy.. I'm hungry.." I whine again.

"Alright, alright I'm getting up." He says as we both get up from the bed. "Go wash yourself up before breakfast." He said to me, making me nod and jog to a bathroom.

When I was done in a bathroom, Harry already made breakfast for both of us. I sit down next to him and smile while I'm looking at my eggs and bacon.

Today should be fun, at least for me. Gosh I'm gonna be so childish to him today. He gonna regret putting this ddlg thing in my mind, or my ass will be more bruised.

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