Chapter 14

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Owe my all body is so sore from wounds.

I wake up in Harry's bed and him next to me, it feels so freaking nice to have someone next to you in the morning, I like watching him sleep.

Today is Sunday, and tomorrow I have to go to classes and Harry said I'm gonna start learning bar from tomorrow as well.

But I have one problem, my face is all blue and purple I have no idea how I'm gonna go to classes, everyone gonna stare at me and will ask what happened and I don't fucking want that.

Makeup should cover it, right? Hopefully. Anyways I don't know much about makeup so Kelly gonna come in my rescue.

Of course I could go without covering nothing up, but I don't like to drag attention to myself.

And what should I say to them either way? That my father beat the shit out of me? Yeah sure I could but it would be my last day on earth then.

Sometimes I wish that he wasn't my father.

I hear sigh from Harry next to me, "Good morning." He says half awake.

I smile at him, "Hey handsome."

"How are you wounds? Do you feel sore?"

I nod slowly.

He tucks me next to him and hugs me carefully.

We cuddle for like ten minutes and I watch him get up, "I'm gonna make breakfast for us, okay?"

"Okay, in meantime I'm gonna take that shower of yours."

He nods and smiles and leaves the bedroom, I get myself up from bed. Walking towards bathroom to a shower, I can't even take hot shower as I like because it's gonna hurt. So I only gonna get under warm water I guess.

I drop all my clothes on the marble floor and step in the running water, as soon as water hits my body all kind of thoughts flying in my head.

Harry still doesn't know what exactly happened with my father, and he probably gonna ask , for sure I'm gonna tell him even if it's hard to repeat that but I want, I trust him.

Kelly and Niall oh my god, I wonder if they did something, Kelly really liked him. And the fact that they yesterday came together to check on me it's for sure something going on between those two. I want her to be happy, hope Niall gonna make her happy. If not I'm gonna cut his balls off.

Kelly deserves the world.

My father getting married to women named Emily, is he abusing her too? Poor women she literally gonna sign up papers with the devil. I wonder if she knew what father did to me that night.

Why my father hates me so much? Where did I go wrong? After my mother's deaths his change completely. We all change to be honest, she was my mom and she was a love of his life. And it feels like her death is my fault, that's why father doing this to me. Maybe it is my fault? What if she killed herself because of me?

I rub the shower gel all over my body, clean myself up, and got out of the shower.

I step out of the shower looking myself in a mirror. I look bad, those bruises on my face it does not look attractive. I hate looking at myself.

I look at the mirror and froze all I'm hearing is the voices in my head saying, 'you killed your mother it's all your fault, you killed her that's why father hates you.' It keeps repeating in my head like a broken record.

Stop. Please sto..-

"Hailey?" Harry frames stands in the door making snap out of my thoughts.

I look at him with tears in my eyes, feeling the first tear escape my eyes.

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