Chapter 50

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This bitch actually dares to point a fucking gun at me, she doesn't know who's she's dealing with, I learn a lot this past month so she better not get on my fucking nerves tonight.

"We're coming stay calm." I hear Harry speaking trough my earpiece.

Oh I'm calm, I'm more than calm.

I smile at her, "Oh darling, you pick the wrong day to mess with me." I chuckle.

Her body language give it all, her hands are shaky which she really hard tries to control it, sweat all over her face.

"It's the right fucking day you whore!" She shouts.

I'm getting on her nerves.

I grin, "don't need to shout, I'm not deaf." I said confidently.

She laughs, "is this funny for you?! Can't you see i pointing a fucking gun at you?!" She tries to keep her confidence, which she's failing miserably.

I step closer to the gun with a smirk on my face, "And?"

She looks confused at me, " do you have a death wish?"

I smile before I knock the gun out from her hand with a quick move, the gun flys trough the bathroom creating an echo. I'm quickly to run and grab the gun before she could.

As I bend I feel her hands on my shoulder, which I grab in quick motion and throw her over my head as she hits the floor with her back as she screams in pain.

I grab the gun and point at her, "Who's the whore now, huh?"

The door burst open, as Harry, Niall, Louis, and Kelly walks in and stops in their track looking shocked at me. I look at them smiling, "Took you long enough."

Harry comes and takes the gun from me and points at Anastasia, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT?! THE LAST WARNING WASNT FUCKING ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" He screams so loud that it made flinch a little.

"She stabbed Julian in the dick!" She screams through her tears.

"Why the fuck you care?" Harry asks, this time little bit calmer.

"Because he is my fucking boyfriend!" She shouts.

I can't help but to start laughing, everyone looking at me like I go nuts.

"Awwww!" I pout, " He can't fuck you anymore?" I try to look sad.

Everyone looking at me with their jaws on the floor.

"You bitch." She snarls.

"Why thank yo..-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before Harry pounds on her and pins her to the ground grabbing her by the throat and blocking her air ways.

"Say that. One. More. Fucking. Time. I fucking dare you." Harry spits outs, while she gasps for air.

"Okay, take care of this. I have things to do." I said to them.

Harry looks at us, "Go with her, I'll take care of this whore." He says, as everyone nods.

I walk out as Kelly follows me behind and grabs my hand to stop me, I look at her confused. "What was that?" She asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "she pissed me off, on the only night I need to stay fucking focused."

"You're scary when you're pissed." She laughs.

I chuckle.

Me and Kelly went down stairs, we separated again I went to the bar and Kelly went to look around. As I'm ordering a drink my eyes wonder around and my eyes catch...

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