Chapter 31

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Harry styles

"I hope you won't cum without permission Harry." She warned me.

But before I could say anything we hear Niall's voice behind the doors, I hear Amelia mumble under her breath, "Shit." Making me chuckle, because this stunt is finished for her, her plan didn't work. Did she really thought she can overpower me like this?

Within seconds I watch doors swing and Niall walk in with Kelly as he drags her by her hair. I watch Amelia eyes widen as she looks scared, I only smirk.

Fun over for you baby, now it's my turn.

"Uncuff him both of you! NOW!" He raised his voice at them, as they immediately started to uncuff me. Amelia came closer to me as she finally freeing my hand, I keep my smirk on just to intimidate her which is working.

As I was finally free I immediately pull my boxers back and put pants on. I jumped out of bed, grabbing Amelia by her hair harshly and dragging her next to Kelly, she whines from my harsh grip.

"Niall make sure they are naked before I will make them tray of rice." I said to him as he nodded and I walked off.

I could see confusion in Amelia's face, because she never knelt in rice so of course she doesn't know. Great, she gonna taste this tonight then. Hope she will handle it.

I bring two empty trays and pour uncooked rice on it spreading all over the tray. I walk back in the room with trays, and Amelia's eyes locks on me.

"Oh no.." Kelly mumble.

I walk past them, as I put one tray to one corner and other one to the other corner. I walk back to Amelia so I could grab her by the hair and drag her to that corner, Niall did the same with Kelly.

"Now both of you gonna kneel in uncooked rice for twenty minutes facing the corner. You're not allowed to speak with each other, if you do then you gonna stay longer in the rice. Understood?" I said strictly.

Amelia nodded, "Yes sir." She sounded so small.

"Good, now kneel." I ordered as I watch her kneel in the rice and hiss at the pain when she fully was kneeling. "If it gets to much you're welcome to use your safe words, okay?" I asked to make sure they know, that they can back out anytime if they feel uncomfortable. "We gonna come back after twenty minutes." I said and walked off closing door behind us.

We sit in the kitchen drinking some beers and watching girls trough the cameras.

"I can't believe she crossed me like this." I chuckled.

"Me too." He said as he laughs.

"What we gonna do with them?" I ask him as he shrugs. "We need to come up with a good punishment, to put them In their place." I said as he nodded.

"What about rubber band game?" He asked, and immediately shook my head.

"No, it's too painful. Specially when neither of them tried that. We need to train them on that before using that game." I explain to him.

"You're right."

Already ten minutes passed and we hear trough computer crying, "RED! Please I can't take it anymore." Kelly scream in pain.

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