Chapter 13

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I tried to photoshop Hailey's face, this is a picture of her face how it looks after the punishment

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I tried to photoshop Hailey's face, this is a picture of her face how it looks after the punishment.


He was scared to touch me or to hug me he was scared he gonna hurt me more. But I didn't care, I wanted to be in his arms as longs as I can.

He makes me feel safe.

"Harry p-please hug me." I whispered between my sobs, making him nod in response.

He pulls me into his warm and strong hands, wraps them around my back making me flinch a little.

"Does it hurt when I touch it?" He slightly put his pointer finger on my back.

I shook my head, it did hurt but I don't care.

"You're very bad liar princess, don't lie to me okay? Tell me the truth." He said.

I sigh, "okay it did hurt." I sob out with a laughter making him smile a little.

He shook his head, "okay let's get you inside and clean you up okay baby?"

I look at him and nod.

I watch him close the door behind us, taking my hand carefully and leading me to a bathroom.

He only saw my face , I have no idea how he gonna react when he see a blood on my stomach and back. I'm scared he will not like me anymore? I know it's stupid to think like that, but what if?

I don't want him to see the blood on me, what if he will freak out? I could make something up and that I could do alone this, but he reads me like a book, he will see trough me that's something is not right.

I have no choice but just go with it.

He opens the bathroom door and takes me inside and sits me on the toilet to look at me.

"Tell me, where do you have bruises?" He looks me straight to the eyes.

I immediately look down to my knees, and try to stay calm as I can, "uh, I wish they were only bruises um.." I stuck between what to say.

"What do you mean?" He asks in confusion.

I sigh as I shook my head feeling the tear escaping my eyes ones again, and keeping my eyes on my legs.

"Princess..-" he whispers, "Tell me please."

"I-I...-" I cut myself off, trying to find correct words to say, "H-he beat me till I started to bleed, I'm covered in blood under this dress, he probably left scars on me again." I said firmly trying to hold back my tears as best as I could but I failed.

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