Chapter 42

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I watched Kelly swing that belt into him a lot of times till, Niall stopped her. Because neither of us couldn't stop her, Niall has an effect on her which she listens to him. Because otherwise I'm pretty sure she would have killed him with that belt.

Sounds impossible, but with Kelly everything is possible.

Alex sits there trying to catch a breath as he bleeds from the wounds Kelly gave him.

"Y-you... you gonna regret everything you will see." He breaths out, making Kelly laugh.

"JULIAN DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU!" She screams into his face. "His pissing me off, kill him before I'll do it." She states.

"I agree, I think we had enough with him." Harry says. "Kelly and Niall, I think you guys should do it."

They nodded as they both take guns out, and I see Alex's eye widen. Harry tug me back a little so probably we wouldn't get blood on us.

In seconds I heard a loud ringing in my ears, before I open my eyes seeing blood coming out of Alex forehead and his chest. Kelly and Niall covered in blood.

It happened so fast.

"Are you okay?" Harry with Louis asked me at the same time.

"I..." I struggle to say something, " I just never seen something like that, in real life..." I say as I still holding Harry's hand very tight.

"Okay, let's get you out of here. You clean up here, and you both change into clean clothes and meets us at my apartment." He ordered everyone as they all nod.

Harry and I drive off from the warehouse, "talk to me, tell me what's in that pretty head of yours." He say softly.

I sigh, "Is it normal that I don't feel any guilt like at all? Okay I admit that the view when he got shot scared me, but I don't feel bad about it." I explained.

"You felt anger towards him, so I think when he died that didn't effect you very much because you felt angry. But now he's gone along with your anger." He says.

"I think you're right..." I sigh, " just that view it's gonna be stuck in my head for a while." I breathe out.

He takes make hand and squeezes slightly, "then I'm gonna help you to forget." He kisses my hand.

I smile, "I love you."

"Love you too, my sweet girl." He says making me blush.


We arrived home like few hours ago, and Harry keeps asking me if I'm okay or do I need anything. He seems really worried about me.

But there's nothing to worry I'm really okay, I really don't care about him dying but the image how he died is stuck in my head.

Soon Kelly and others arrived here.

Kelly hugged me and asked if I'm doing okay with what I saw, and answered honestly to her. I told that the image it stuck in my head, nothing else.

She gave me worried eyes as well. I know that everyone is worried that I don't really react on this more, because they know how sensitive I can get.

Louis walked towards me, "Are you o...-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "I'm fine, I'm really fine. Can everyone stop asking that? I know you guys worried that I don't react more into this, but really I don't care that he died he fucking deserve it. The image of him dying in my head gonna fade away sooner or late, so really I'm fine." I snap.

"Sorry." Louis says with kinda disappointed in his voice.

I sigh, "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have snap at you like this." I say.

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