Chapter 55

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Excitement surged through me as I stood in front of the mirror, choosing the perfect outfit for our night at "Dolor." The club's allure echoed in my anticipation, and I could practically hear the thumping bass in my mind.

Kelly was buzzing around, a whirlwind of sequins and laughter, as we prepared to join Harry, Niall, and Louis, who were likely already immersed in the vibrant atmosphere.

I opted for a sleek black dress, its fabric catching the light in all the right ways. My reflection smiled back at me as I applied a touch of shimmer to my eyelids. The air in our shared space crackled with the energy of a promising night out.

As we approached "Dolor," the distant beats reverberated through the streets, intensifying with every step. We entered to find the boys, each one a beacon of charisma. The pulsating lights painted the scene with hues of excitement.

On the dance floor, surrounded by the familiar faces of friends, the music became a heartbeat guiding our movements. The night unfolded in a tapestry of shared laughter, dance, and camaraderie, promising memories that would linger long after the music faded.

As I sit behind the bar, waiting for Kelly to return from a bathroom drinking my whiskey.

"Whiskey is a little too much for girl, don't you think?" A voice behind me says. I turn to look a good looking man smirking at me.

"Sexism is a little too much in 21st century, don't you think?" I say back.

"Feisty, I like it." He says while smirking and drinking his Whiskey. I roll my eyes and continue surfing through my phone.

A while later, that man again speaks. "Do you wanna know a joke about my penis? Nevermind, it's too long."

"Do you wanna know a joke about my vagina?
Nevermind, you won't get it." I say back. And I can tell he's taken aback because his eyebrows raise and his mouth is parted.

I silently pray for Harry to come back.
I turn around to search for Harry, and I see him talking to girl and standing too close for my liking.

His eyes met mine and he sees the expression on my face and smirks at me knowingly, I'm angry at him.

He decides to leave me alone in a club with some creeps who use corny pick up lines and he's busy talking to girls who are prettier than me.

I decide to make him a little frustrated. So I turn to the guy beside me, "What's your name?" I ask.

"Mike." He says.

"So Mike, do you always impress girls by corny pick up lines or do you buy them drinks?" I ask a little seductively.

"I certainly buy them drinks. Which one do you want?" He asks with that disgusting smirk.

"Whiskey on the rocks." I say and smirk. As he's buying me a drink, I turn to look at Harry who's staring me like he's gonna rip anyone's head who comes in between him. And just like that I know my plans working.

"Whiskey on the rocks for you my lady." He says. I pretend to take a sip from it because I wasn't paying attention to it, and I don't know if he's spiked it or not.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Laura." I say. Of course I'm not gonna tell my real name.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He says.

I just smirk at him and turn to look at Harry who's glaring at me and talking to that girl who's literally eye fucking him and he still is standing close to her. That sight just boils my blood and I decide to make him a little more jealous.

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