Chapter 35

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Today...should be interesting, because I can't imagine myself flirting. But I'm gonna do this, for Kelly.

Oh what I'm kidding, without shots I won't be able to do it. But well, Harry still kinda doesn't let me have a drink. Well because I told him not to let him for few months.

I'm still gonna do it, even though that's means I'm getting my booty beat, I can take him.

While Harry is showering for our guest, in meantime I'm gonna get something to drink. I walk to the kitchen opening every cabinet searching for any kind of alcohol.

I can find nothing, god damn it Harry. He probably hide some place really good, and I'm gonna find it.

I try to search in the living room and opening the first cabinet...BINGO! There's a half vodka bottle. I need to work fast, so I go to the kitchen, take the biggest high glass and fill up the half glass with vodka.

Yes you heard me right, HALF.

Then immediately I run back to living room and put the vodka back in her place. Then I take some orange juice from the fridge and fill up the rest of the cup. I'll tell Harry that I'm drinking just orange juice.

I take a sip of my drink and the liquid burns trough my throat.. woah that's a little too strong.

Yeah there's no way I'm getting out of this, he definitely gonna beat my ass for it. No way I'll pretend that I'm not drunk, but hey... at least I'll try.


Now we I'm standing facing Harry as Niall and Kelly sitting on the couch. I'm little bit tipsy, but nobody notice... thank god.

"So now try to flirt with him." Kelly said as I nodded.

I look back to Harry who's smirking now at me, "okay so uh..." I put my hand on his shoulder dragging my hand all the way down his palms, "Heyyyyy you look handsome." I say low trying to sound sexy.

Kelly and Niall burst to laughing, "Okay, what was that voice?" Kelly asked.

I looked at her now, "I don't know i tried to sound sexy!!!" I squeal and hide myself in Harry's neck hugging him.

He hug me back, "you're okay babe." He comforted me.

"Daddy she's a meanie!" I said childish.

Oh no I think I'm slipping into little space, I read about headspace there's as well sub space and more. And this is my first time actually slipping into headspace.

"She's slipping into little space." Harry explained, as everyone nod.

"Okay we can do this tomorrow then." Kelly said softly and they try to go out to leave us alone.

I jumped and hugged Kelly's leg, "I DON'T WANNA KELLY TO LEAVE! I want Niall and Kelly stay stay."

"Okay okay baby we gonna stay, won't we Niall?" Kelly looked to Niall.

"Yes we will sweetheart." Niall replied making me very happy.

"YAY!" I jumped in excitement.

I run back to daddy who's looking kinda angry with me, I look up to him. "What did I do daddy?" I ask in sad voice.

"Is that was a polite way to ask someone to stay?" He ask, as I shook my head. "Go apologise, and you gonna stay in the corner till I'll come and get you."

"But..." I tried to speak but Harry cut me off.

"No but, don't argue if you don't wanna a spankie in front of them." He said.

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