Chapter 9

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It's been over a week of my date with Harry. I kept seeing him in class every day. And he always made me smile somehow, without even saying anything.

I can't forget the moment when I bend over his car, and he slapped me. I really enjoyed that, more than I should.

But this past few days I'm feeling down, because I know what coming this weekend, next week I'm gonna see my father.

Geez great.

I'm good at hiding my emotions , even Kelly didn't notice that I'm not okay, even if she did I wouldn't know how to explain what I'm feeling.

But she knows that I'm gonna go see my father, she tried to convince me not go, but I disagree with her. I can't not go, he's my father after all.

I don't feel scared to go there, I'm just.. I just know what's coming and I'm honestly used to, I didn't tell Harry that I'm gonna go for weekend to my father.

Should I tell him? How he gonna react? Is he gonna be mad at me if I will not tell him?

Uh, I'm so fucking lost with my life.

Would he care? Would he be scared for me?

I need Kelly's advice on this one, "Kelly..?" I whispered shyly as she look at me, "Do you think I should tell Harry about the weekend? That I'm gonna spend with my father?" I dropped into the topic.

She clears her throat, "I think you should, because I see that he makes you happy somehow even though you only see him in classes, but I never seen you so happy for so long, I think you should talk about that with him." Her voice was soft.

It's true , I've been smiling all week, and that's very rare of me. He makes feel happy, just seeing him it gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Crazy, right?

I nodded to her, "Would he be angry with me?"

She looked to me confused, "Why would he?"

"Uh I don't know, what if he will not be happy that I'm going? Which I'm sure he will. And I still need to go, I don't have a choice." My voice sounds less clear because of emotions that's building up inside me.

"I'm sure he will understand H, even if he will be angry it's because he wants to protect you."

I hum to her respond. I think I will text him to see if he can see me tonight, I need to talk with him in real life, not over a cell phone.


16:56pm. Message send.
Hey, I wonder if I can see you tonight..?:) I need to confess something to you.

16:57pm. Message received.
Sure, I'm gonna pick you in a hour okay? Is it something bad? Are you okay?

17:00pm. Message send.
Well it depends how you gonna react to it..

17:01pm. Message received.
Okay that's sounds serious now, get ready now I'm coming in ten.

17:02pm. Message send.
Okay.. see you


Shit. I'm so nervous to confess him now, because his coming in ten minutes.

Okay I need to relax, 'everything gonna be fine, he's not gonna be angry with you, he will understand.' I keep repeating those words in my head while waiting for him next to my building.

When I see his car coming closer, my knees start to feel weak, I feel tense in my belly.

He stops near me, and I got in the car not daring to look at him. How the hell I start this? How the fuck I should tell him?

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