Chapter 21

390 7 16

Sexual content ahead <3


I open my eyes and immediately feeling the burning and headache, "Owe my fucking head." I whispered as I roll over I felt pain on my vagina, I'm so fucking sore. "Oweeeee my poor vagina." I whisper but more loudly this time.

I hear Harry chuckled next to me, "Good morning gorgeous." He smiled as he look at me, "Sore aren't we?" He smirks and I just give him a nod.

I slightly remember last night, I know there was cocktails and I know I got in trouble for it. But I do remember the most important thing of the evening; I told him that I love him and he said it back.

"Do you remember at least last night?" He chuckled.

"Kinda.." I shrug my shoulders, "I know that I got in trouble because I drink more than I was allowed to, I know that I said I love you and then we both .." I pause for a moment remembering me and Kelly's punishment, "Oh god! Niall saw me naked!" I freaked out for a moment. Then relaxed, "But it's fine I trust him, he didn't touch me or anything so..."

"I would never let other man touch you princess, you belong to me and only me. I'm only one who can touch you, even you are not allowed to touch yourself." I roll my eyes at his last comment.

"You're lucky that you're sore because otherwise, you would get another punishment." He smirks as he pulls me closer to him, "tell me that you're mine."

I smirk, "I'm yours.. only yours." I kiss him.

As we were laying Harry's phone started to ring, "I have to take this." He kisses me before he left the bedroom.

After couple minutes of laying I decided to go to fresh in up, I open the door and walk to a bathroom but Harry's voice stops me.

"Fuck!" He was trying to whisper but miserable failing.

I stood in the halfway ear dropping of his call because he sound pretty angry.

"How the hell I supposed to tell her this." He whispers this time.

Is he talking about me?

"I know that she needs to know, I'm gonna talk with her today." He says and close hang up his phone.

I hear him sigh as I walked in, "is everything alright?" I ask.

"How much did you hear?" He asks immediately.

"That you need to tell me something." I answered.

He sighs and points his finger to his sofa for me to sit. "Sit, trust me."

"What's going on?" I ask feeling scared now.

"There's no easy way to tell you this.. but this past few weeks I was trying to find about your father who he really is, and h...-" He started but I cut him.

"Omg Harry! He gonna kill me now!" I scream.

"Not before I do it first. But I found things about him, you might be even relieved." He answered making me so confused.

"Explain more please." I demand.

He sighs, "He's name isn't Billy Fox. His real name is James Bruce, and he is not your biological father Hailey."

I watch him in shock and with my jaw open, not knowing what to say. All my life was a lie, all this time I've been tortured by him and I'm not even his daughter.

Oh James, you're so fucking going to jail.

"Where's my phone?" I stand up looking for it.

"What you gonna to do?" He asks me in a worry voice.

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