Chapter 43

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It's been really hard three weeks.. You know... waiting for death. But in serious notice, it's been hard. Harry and Louis putting a lot of pressure on me by training me. Niall as well is being harsh on Kelly during training sessions.

Harry is stressed, a lot. He doesn't really show it but I can see it, this Julian thing is stressing him a lot. He's being an asshole to everyone.

I really hope this war or whatever it's is between kings and winds is gonna end soon, because first we don't even know if he will attack us.

So that's the most stressful part.

"Again." Harry's voice makes me snap out of my thoughts.

I sigh, and get into position where I spread my legs about shoulder's width, slightly bending my knees. I fold my four fingers downward into my hand and placing my thumb on the outside of my fingers.

I try to swing my fist to him, but of course he stopped me because his way faster and more experienced. I only sigh in frustration.

"Okay, let's do other self defence techniques." He says, making me want to roll my eyes.

Oh and did I mention we haven't had sex those all three weeks?

He gets into position as attacker, and I stabilise myself as best as I can, he grabs me and I immediately bend my arm at the elbow shifting my weight forward and I strike my elbow into his neck making him let out a groan and let go of me.

I smile in victory.

"That's my girl." He said proudly out of breath, "you got me good." He slightly smirks.

The butterflies in my stomach became alive again, when he said 'that's my girl.'

I smile to myself.

"Do you wanna take a break big man?" I tease him with a smirk.

He raises a brow, "Are you really looking for troubles baby?" He says.

I walk towards him and lean to his ear, "Maybe." I whisper seductive, "because you haven't fucked me in three weeks, don't you miss me?" I say flirting.

I watch him swallow some of his saliva in his mouth, I know that he misses me as much as I miss him. I watch him smirk, he leans now to me.. "If you win this next round... I'm gonna fuck you, hard."

I raise my brow, "Oh, yeah?" I smirk.

"Yeah." He answers.

I take his hand and shook, "Deal."

From his face I can see he's gonna go hard on me, because well.. it's Harry. And anyways Harry boy.. you gonna fuck me either way.


"Okay, so did you ever heard about bear hug attack?" He asks, I only shook my head. "It's actually pretty simple, you gonna stand with your back to me and I'm gonna come from behind and hug you strong, all you need to do is try to escape me." He smirks on the last part.

Oh god.

Now I'm standing with my back turned to him, and in seconds I feel him hugging me. Fuck I'm trapped, okay Amelia think how you can escape from this situation. I try get out of his grip, but nothing. I sigh in frustration, this is so hard for no reason.

"Struggling aren't we?" You could hear his grin.

"Oh no no, you know... I'm just chilling, it's pretty comfy out here. YOU SHOULD GUYS TRY IT TOO!" The last part I say louder so the guys could hear me too.

He chuckles, "Do you want me explain you, how to escape this situation?"" He asks.

I nod, "Please." I sound so desperate.

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