Chapter 44

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I'm so tired of all the study, I really thinking to quit soon. It's getting really hard every minute, and I'm the only one who stress about my exams. For example Harry don't give a flying fuck about it.

Honestly I wish I could do like that.

I lift my head from my paperwork I'm studying to see how Harry's doing. And guess what! That asshole is sitting and playing with his phone!

"How the fuck you doing this?!" I ask in annoyance.

He looks up from his phone with an raised brow, "Language." He looks to me serious, "And doing what?"

"This, don't giving any fucks about this exams!" I walk to him and lay next to him hiding my head into his neck.

I hear him chuckle, "Do I need to wash your mouth with a soap, or you gonna behave?" He asks and obviously waiting for an answer.

I sigh, "I'll behave." I murmured into his neck.

"Good girl." He praised me, "I just don't care, I'm doing this just for fun. I applied for this university because I was bored." He says.

"Lucky you." I said and he chuckled.


We are now in dickheads class aka Mrs. Williams, sometimes it's gets really boring in here to be honest. I just wanna lay in bed and sleep.

"Can we just go home for today?" I whine into Harry's ear.

He chuckles, "Twenty more minutes baby, you can do it." I huff in frustration only to get a chuckle from him.

Finally those twenty minutes passed and we decided not attend other two lectures, we decided to go somewhere to chill. Because it was really long time when we were out only two of us.

We decided to go nearest restaurant to eat something and just talk.

We walk in to restaurant called 'Foodie good'. That's an interesting name if you ask me. Anyways hope the food is good there.

The waiter greet us, and lead us to our table. We sat at the table as the waiter gave us menu's. I decided to order pasta while Harry decided on steak with fries and side salad.

I sigh, "It's been long time since it was only two of us." I smile, "I missed this, you all to myself."

He smirks, "I'm all yours, always." He said making my heart melt.

"I know." I smirk making him raise an brow, "as I am yours." I said.

"Bet your ass, you are. You belong to me love." He said, making me blush.

Finally our food arrived and we started digging right away, because we were both really hungry.

I moan, "This pasta is so good!" I chuckle.

"Don't moan like that baby, it's hard to keep my hand to myself." He smirked with a chuckle, making blush really hard, I bet I look like tomato right now.

We finished our food, and now I'm really full, now we left with our drinks I ordered strawberry milkshake, and Harry ordered just coffee.

Tonight we working at the club, boys gonna sing and me and Kelly gonna take care of customers.

It's actually been long time since we worked in club because we were focused on training, Harry hired other stuff for club while we were training, but tonight he decided to give them day off, expect for bartender he gotta help us, because I'm still not really good at it.

But he didn't mind, he said he likes working in Harry's club.

Harry looks me, "What's your dream job? And what's your dream?" He asked randomly.

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