Chapter 18

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WARNING: Spanking.

Song: Michael Bublé - close your eyes.

Hailey Fox

Harry and me was the first ones to arrive to the club. So as we got a little time Harry decided to grab me and make out with me.

"GET A ROOM! God damn it." Louis appears from backstage.

After all we weren't alone, I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I probably already looking like a tomato.

Harry laughed, but I didn't find this funny. I looked frustrated to him.

"You cute when you are all frustrated." He says kissing my forehead.

I roll my eyes and cross my hands, "oh I'm cute alright." I raise my voice little bit.

Harry raised his eyebrow at me, "I suggest you to lose this attitude love, before I force it out of you." He said firmly.

The angel on my one shoulder said to stop this because I will get myself in trouble and I will not be able to sit for week, but the devil on other shoulder told me to keep going, to test him.

So guess who I listened to.

I roll my eyes at him and walked away from him, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me immediately, looked at me beyond pissed.

This gonna be death of me.

'Was nice knowing you Hailey.' I said to myself.

"Hailey go to the backstage, and into my dressing room. I want you to kneel with head down and your palms on your tights , understood?" He said roughly to me.

This is my sign to start to listen, but I didn't.

I shook my head playfully, just to piss him more. I want him rough. But I digging my own grave now.

"Hailey." He warns me.

"Make me." I said before he yanks me on his shoulder, and takes me to the dressing room.

As Niall and Kelly walked in, we passed them and Kelly asked what's going, and Harry simply reply. "Someone's in trouble, we will be right back. Niall please take care while I'm gone." He said to Niall and he nodded.

Kelly looked at me and mouthed me 'what did you do?' But I only smirk at her, to let her know that I wanted this.

He drops me on the ground as my feet touches the ground, he pushes me to kneeling position, "Kneel." He said.

I try to fight him but he gave a death stare which made drop immediately to my knees.

I try to lift my head but he stopped me, "keep your fucking head down." He said roughly.

Oh he's pissed.


I smirk to myself.

"What made you think, that you can roll your fucking eyes at me and then to walk away? I told you to lose this fucking attitude." He slightly raise his voice at me.

Shit, I'm regretting now, that I'm pissed him off.

"I'm sor..-" I try to apologise but he cut me off, "Don't fucking talk without permission." He said, I only nod to him.

He stands in front of me, "So tell me Hailey, what made you think what you did was okay?"

I didn't answer, I don't know if I'm allowed to.

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