Chapter 8

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Owe, my head.

I woke up with pounding head, my stomach feels funny. I open my eyes to see the only light coming is from the living room, the window are closed with dark blue curtains, so the room is still pretty dark.

Wait a damn minute? This isn't my room.

Where the hell I am? I move a little in bed to roll myself over so I could scan the room, but the next thing I feel next to me is someone's body.

I dare fully to turn around to see who is it, and my face went pale when I see Harry laying half naked next to me.

Oh my fucking god. How the hell we both end up here? I can't remember nothing, half night is a blur for me.

The last thing I remember, I was drinking tequila in the car, and I remember Harry slapping my ass pretty hard.

That's all, what the hell happened after?

Did we slept together? Oh my god. Did I have sex? And I can't remember? Great Hailey.

I need answers.

I think I'm gonna throw up, my stomach feels funny, I need to find bathroom.

I scramble out of bed, I dash to a first door I see, lucky me it was bathroom. I fall on my knees, dizzy, I spew up an impressive amount of vomit to a toilet.

Gosh, it's disgusting. I always hated to throw up, and this one is worst of all because it tastes so strongly of stale alcohol.


I made a mess all over a toilet, I hope he's still asleep and didn't hear me throwing up. I try to clean it up as quickly as I can, I try to ignore the black spots sparking at the corner of my vision, the way the floor seems to lurch beneath my feet with more than the usual engine buzzing.

There's three loud knocking on the door, "Hailey? Are you okay there? Do you need anything?" Harry voice pops up besides the door.

Shit, he hear me throwing up.

I start to panic, "Uh no no! I'm fine just uh.. I'll be out in a second." I said.

"Are you sure? You don't sound fine. Can I come in to see if you're okay?" He said with a worry in his voice.

I can't let him see the mess I am right now, but I can't say no I don't know why, I want him to be next to me, so I only manage to say a quite 'yes'.

The door handle moves and the door slowly starts to open, he steps inside the room half naked and I don't know where to lock my eyes on, I feel shy to look at his body.

He comes next to me, I'm still kneeling next to a toilet and not daring to look at him, I'm embarrassed.

He kneels next to me, grabs my jaw slowly tilting up so I could look at him but I quickly close my eyes.

I blurb out with a closed eyes, "I'm sorry I made a mess around your toilet, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I swear."

I'm so stressed, I only can think just an apology.

He brush his other hand on my cheek still holding my chin up, "Hailey, please stop apologise. You didn't do anything wrong, we are humans we throw up, don't be embarrassed about it please. Can you look at me please?"

I nod, and slowly opening my eyes and seeing his morning face.

His so beautiful, his brown curly hair is a mess, but it looks so good on him, but he looks kinda tired.

"I'm sorry for the mess, I promise I will clean everything up, I..-" he cuts me off.

"Hailey stop apologising, I'm not mad or something, there's no need to apologise, and you will not clean the mess, I will fix everything afterwards okay? Now cmon let's get you some fresh iced water and something to eat okay?"

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