Chapter 11

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"Father please! It's not my fault. Please don't hurt me!" I sob out begging him.

He grabs my face and slaps harshly, "Shut up!" He shouts. "You fucking deserve this! You're a fucking slut. You only deserve being treated like that!" He shouts as he slaps me again.

"Please father, I'm begging you! I swear I didn't do nothing with that guy! He only was talking to me!" I sob out from the pain.

"Lies! Stop fighting me! You deserve this punishment. All sluts getting punished! And now I'm gonna fucking punish you. I can't fucking believe my daughter is a fucking slut!" He shouts as he grabs my neck harshly. His grip gonna leave marks for weeks.

"Please father." I sob out begging him to stop.

"No! You just like your fucking mother! Now stop fighting back and give in. You know the drill Hailey, so stop fighting me if you want me to stop."

I decided not to fight him anymore, there's no point he's stronger than me.

"Good, now let's teach you a fucking lesson." He throws me to the wall and turn me to face the wall.

I hear him shuffle around, but I'm too scared to turn around.

The crack of his belt echo the room and making me flinch, and the next thing I know the belt cracks on my back and making me whine in pain.

"Say your sorry!" He shouts loudly.

I sob from the pain, "I-I'm sorry father."

One more loud crack of his belt hits my back again making me whine even more from the pain.

"I'm sorry!" I sob out.

"Turn around!" He screams at me.

I do what he says as soon I facing him the belt is connected with my face harshly.

"I'm sorry father, please fo...-"

"Hailey!" I hear familiar voice.

"Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!" I shout.

"Hailey baby, it's me. It's Harry."

Harry? It's Harry. I felt relieved in my stomach. That was a bad dream only.

"Harry?" I whispered quietly.

"Yes baby it's me, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here , you're safe with me." He hushes me.

"I'm sorry." I apologise to him for being scared from my dream.

I can't believe he saw me through one of my nightmares, only Kelly was seeing them. Well because I live with her it's impossible not to notice. Because I scream trough them.

"For what?" He asks me confused.

"That I wake you up."

"It's fine Hailey don't worry about it. Do you wanna talk about what just happened?"

I shook my head, I'm too scared to talk about them. What if I tell him and he gonna leave me? Because he will think I'm a psycho?

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