Chapter 26

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It's been a week since the ddlg thing trying. And I'm not gonna lie, I did enjoyed. But I don't want to do this all the time, but sometimes for sure I'm gonna turn into little one.

That week as well Harry been training me how to defence myself, and how to hit someone properly just in case for the future. Well because you know I'm mafias boss girl so I think I'm kinda an easy target. He said when I'm gonna be finish with fighting training and defence, he gonna teach me as well how to escape in case someone will kidnap me and tie me down.

Not gonna lie the thought of that really scares me, but I want to be prepared. I don't want another James grabbing me and selling me for someone.

All this week as well I was meeting Louis and our parents, I really get close with Louis, I got to know him more as he got to know me.

Caleb and Catherine wanted to know the name of James so they could arrest him, but Louis told them it's already taken care off. Yeah Kelly almost put a knife trough his throat.

I'm trying my best to try calling Caleb and Catherine as mom and dad, but it's really hard. But thankfully they are so understanding, they don't pressure me into anything. They want me to be ready whenever I'm ready.

Louis really surprises me, he's been in this mafia already around six years, and our parents still don't know. Well now they daughter are in a mafia as well, funny. And I wonder how he can keep going around them like this, well now I'm gonna too. He has all covered up, he actually has a company called  'Tomlinson Empire.' And he told that they know that he works there, which is true. He visits there sometimes.

I ask him if he bought a mansion for them, and he said no. It's seems that our parents are really wealthy.


Today me and Kelly getting our winds tattoos finally, we both decided that we gonna get on our ass cheeks if the boys will agree.

Niall and Harry were sitting on the couch as we both walked to them with puppy dog eyes. I saw Niall chuckle, "Oh no, this isn't good." He said to Harry as they both laughed.

"We want tattoo on our ass cheeks, please sirs." Kelly said politely.

"Alright, but then a woman is tattooing both of you. I don't want any bastard touching what's mine." Harry said making me and Kelly jump in excitement, like we are little girls who got candy.

"I'm gonna call Maria for appointment." Niall said to Harry making him nod in response.

I watch Niall stand up and go to other room apparently to call this Maria person.

After few minutes he came back to a room, "She's coming here around seven in the afternoon." He said.

"She's coming here?" I ask with my eyes widen.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Harry asks me.

I shook my head, "No sir, it's just weird." I say.

He looked at me an hummed as an answer, and kept talking with Niall. Now it's five pm, and we suddenly hear a door bell.

Niall got up to open the door, and I see Louis and Liam walk in, "Hello bitches." Liam said as Louis smacked him in the chest, "What was that for?" Liam frown.

"That's my sister you're talking about." He said overprotective, making me and others laugh.

He's really protective of me.

"What you guys doing here?" Harry asked.

"Well my little sister getting her wind tattoo, so I'm here to support her." He explained making me smile.

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