Chapter 52

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Amelia's pov.

The ring of my phone broke the quiet of the room, and a lump formed in my throat as I saw Kelly's name on the screen. She'd just talked to Harry, and the worry in her voice cut through me. How much did Harry spill about the cuts on my arms?

"He's just being overprotective," I immediately answered attempting to sound nonchalant, like the cuts on my arms were insignificant scratches.

A pause followed before Kelly spoke, her tone measured. "Amelia, Harry cares about you. If something's wrong, talk to us."

Frustration built within me. "Kelly, it's not a big deal. I don't want to make it into one."

But Kelly, my best friend, wasn't easily swayed. "We've been through a lot. If something's bothering you, you don't have to face it alone. We're here for you, I'm here for you."

Her words tugged at my defenses, threatening the carefully constructed facade I wore. I hesitated, then dismissed it. "I appreciate the concern, but it's nothing. I've got it under control."

A sigh from Kelly's end. "You've said that before. I don't want to see you go through what you did as a teenager. Remember when you tried to—"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of that dark past. "Kelly, don't bring that up. It's different now. I'm different."

She chose her words carefully. "Harry and I just want to help. We care about you, and we don't want to see you hurting."

The lump in my throat grew. "I'm not hurting. I'm fine."

A heavy silence hung in the air. I could almost feel Kelly's worry through the phone. "I'll respect your boundaries, but if you change your mind, know that we're here for you."

The call ended, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I looked at my reflection, avoiding the cuts that betrayed my facade. How did Harry see through it? The weight of secrecy pressed down on me, but I pushed it aside, determined to keep my pain hidden.

Harry's watchful eyes and Kelly's concerned glances lingered. I held my ground, refusing to let them in.

One evening, alone with Kelly in the living room, unspoken words hung in the air. She glanced at me, a mix of worry and determination in her eyes.

"I can't stand seeing you like this. If something's wrong, tell me. I can't just watch you go through this again," Kelly said, her voice filled with emotion.

The weight of her concern pressed down on me. "Kelly, it's nothing. Just leave it be."

She moved closer, gaze searching mine. "I've been your best friend for years. I know when something's not right. Let me help you."

In a moment of vulnerability, I glanced away. Kelly's eyes fell upon the cuts on my arms. Panic surged as I tried to cover them, but it was too late. The truth lay exposed, and shame washed over me.

"You're hurting yourself," she whispered, disbelief and sadness in her voice.

I instinctively tried to cover my arms, but it was too late. Shame washed over me. Kelly's eyes bore into mine, demanding an explanation.

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