Chapter 48

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Amelia Tomlinson

We been home for hours now, everyone's happy that I managed escape from that place and even hurt Julian and his two little puppets.

Well, not everyone happy. Louis acting really strange, he barely said anything to me.

I thought the one who will be really happy and proud is Louis. He doesn't even make eye contact with me, and he's drinking, a lot.

I don't understand, what's wrong? Is he angry that I stole his phone? Or that I went alone there? Even Harry is not angry, he's happy and really proud of me. He always knew I will make it in mafia.

I should really talk to Louis.

He's now in the kitchen, making another drink which is my sign to go there before he becomes wasted.

I stand up from the couch and walk towards Louis, who gave me a cold look and he focused on his drink. I walk next to him and cleared my throat.


"Okay, what's wrong with you?" I ask him.

He looks up to me with the same cold look, "What?"

I sigh, "You're basically avoiding me and barely said anything since we came back. So what's up with your ass?" I kinda said too loud, because everyone's eyes are on us now.

Louis chuckle.

"Is this funny to you? What is it with y..." I couldn't even finish before he cut me off.

"You didn't even cared enough to leave a letter to your brother! You left for Kelly and Harry!" He raised his voices a little.

Harry walked next to me, "Lou, relax."

He looks at him and back to me, "What if something had happened to you! Huh? You're my sister, I care about you more than anybody else."

He is right, I should left him a letter too. That was really shitty thing to do him, he's my brother, my blood, my family.

"Louis, that was really selfish of me I wasn't thinking at the time. I'm so sorry." My voice cracked.

"Whatever, I'm going home." He said and started walking towards door.

"You can't drive, you're almost wasted." I said.

"Watch me." And he walked trough door.

"Harry please drive him home." I said and Harry nodded and run after him.

I turn around myself to Niall , Liam and Kelly. "I fucked up really bad, I had to fix this." I sat down next to Kelly and just broke down.

Kelly hugged me, "You will fix it, you always do."


Harry Styles

I run after Louis, and catch him by the arm before he could get in, in that car. He turns around and looks at me, and try's to pull off his hand away from mine.

"Styles, knock it off before I knock you off." He said sternly.

I chuckle.

"Let me drive you home, huh?" I ask.

He sighs but nods and gives me car keys as he walk himself to passenger seat. I sit in a driver seat and turn on the engine.

I start to drive off from the parking, and I look to Louis who is lost in his mind. He probably feel awful, that Amelia didn't leave any goodbye or anything if something would  had happened to her.

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