Chapter 6

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Harry styles

I don't know why, but I can't stay away from her. The kiss we had I never felt this euphoric like I felt with her. I want to make it up for her, for the way I run out on her.

She felt horrible, I know. I've seen it on security camera.

She was hurt, because of me, I usually don't care if women cries after me. But Hailey is something different. I don't know why I care that much, but I do.

I want to know her.

She deserves an explanation, but how do I explain; that everything I touch it get ruined. Every girl I've been I only ruined them.

But I don't know, with Hailey It feels different.

I don't know why she was so scared when I touched her the first night in the club, but I will try to find out tonight.

I have a feeling that someone hurt her in the past.

It's almost seven o'clock, I need to get going.

~later that evening~

Somehow I made it to her apartment, she doesn't live that far from me, how I expected. It's only few blocks away.

Her apartment number was 420. That's actually funny, I knocked few times on the door. But there was no answer.

I waited patiently.

Maybe she bailed on me? Okay I will try the knocking again. I knock few times again and I finally hear that angel voice, "coming!!"

She finally opened the door. And my face left in shock when I saw her holding a bottle vodka in her hands.

I chuckled, " Are you gonna take that with us?" I asked her, when I felt myself smiling.

She looks nervous.

"N-No no, it's just uh.." she laugh awkwardly. "I was just thirsty, ya know." She winked at me.

She kept her eyes on the floor after the wink, not daring to look at me. Is she scared of me? But if she would, she wouldn't agree to go out tonight.

"Okay then." I laugh under my breath. "If you ready, we should go."

She nodded as she tried to walk towards me, damn it- she's tipsy.

Okay that's means, no drinks for her tonight. "How much have you drink?" I asked as we walked towards my car.

"I don't know, maybe one..two.. or five shot." She chuckled under her breath.

"Can I ask you, why?" I asked her, as I opened passenger doors, and pointed my hand for her to get in.

She sat carefully in my car, I close the doors behind her, as I walked to the driving seat.

She look at me with those puppy eyes, " I was nervous."

"Why?" I furrow my brows.

She bite on her bottom lip, "You intimidating me, but I found you interesting. Usually I wouldn't go out, if I was intimidated by someone. But you..-" she pointed a finger at me, "there's something, I don't know what, I can't fucking stop thinking about you since the day one I saw you in NYU."

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