Chapter 37

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Today all day from the morning we are trying this flirt thing. And I really suck at it, but Kelly and guys really giving me hope that I can do this.

"Okay, let's try it again!" Kelly says making me let out an annoying sigh. Kelly raise an eyebrow, "is there a problem?" She says sternly.

"No, sorry." I said smiling.

I'm just tired and want to cuddle with Harry. But I gotta do this, for Kelly. She needs to know that I'm there for her and always be.

Kelly became more bossy since she punished me by the way.

"Okay then, again." She said.

I would roll my eyes but Harry is watching me now.

Harry now sitting on the counter in the kitchen, we pretend that there's a bar. I walk towards him with my cocky smile and say, "Is this seat taken, handsome?" I say with a flirty voice.

I watch him grin a little then his grin turned into smirk, "No love, go ahead." He answers as I smile and sit down next to him.

I smile thinking what to do or say next.

"So what a handsome man like you doing here sitting by yourself? Your girlfriend must miss you." I said, and quickly look to Kelly as she gives me thumbs up so that's means I didn't messed up yet.

He chuckles, "I don't have a girlfriend." He answered hesitantly, because ya know... He does have one.

I pout, "Aw, so you must be lonely." I smirk looking at him, as I put my hand on his thigh.

I drag my hand closer to his crotch, as I hear him inhale a deep breath, which means is working. "What big guy, shocked?" I chuckled deeply.

He smirks and laughs a little, "Careful love, don't forget I'm still me." He winked at me as I roll my eyes. "I'll deal with that eye rolling later love."

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, pretty sure knowing that he heard because he chuckled.

"Okay love birds!" Kelly said smiling at us, "You did better this time, proud of you!" She said making me smile.

"Thank you." I said shyly.


The training went really good yesterday, I made a lot more progress as Kelly said, and I really feel like I did.

I need some more training before we could go on this mission. Guys tracking Alex, every move of his we know.

Sounds scary doesn't it? Yeah old Amelia would be freaking out probably now, but me now is a different person. I really became more stronger, I have more confidence and things like that don't scare me anymore. I really grew on with this guys and mafia, I actually enjoying being in this mafia.

I know, it doesn't sound like me, but honestly I like the new me. Harry as well training me how to use guns and knives more, in case if I need to use in that mission.

Louis been really supportive on this too, he doesn't really want me go to this mission. But I don't care, I want to prove everyone that I can do it.

You know what I realised? I haven't really know anything about Harry's family. Does he have siblings?

"Harry?" I call for him to get his attention from tv, he only hums in response. "Can I ask you something?" I say kinda shaky.

"Go ahead." He smiles.

"Well uh.. do you have any siblings?" I ask him.

He sighs, "I had." He responded.

"You had? Can I ask what happened?" I ask.

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