Chapter 39

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Today we gonna go for Alex, his days is finally over. I had been trained enough to seduce him.

Yeah, I'm really nervous about this mission. Im scared that I will mess up something and it will not go according to the plan.

Okay the plan is pretty simple, boys been following every step of Alex. They find out that tonight he is going out to some sort of club, so we thought it's the best time for us to go. Because we will never know when next time that mother fucker will go out.

Me and Harry gonna be at that club, Harry gonna be few tables away from me so he could watch to make sure he won't hurt me, and Kelly with the rest of the boys gonna wait in the car at the back door at the club, that's where they gonna take him.

And my job in this is, to be sexy and flirty to seduce him.

I know Harry doesn't like the idea of me touching Alex while flirting. But I had to do it if I want him to fall for me. And Harry knows that.

And Harry already warned me that if he try's touching me in any inappropriate way he's gonna regret he was born.

So this little bit scares me, what if he tries do such a thing? I know Harry, he is really overprotective and he will kill him at the club in front of everyone.

Well I guess we'll see.

Now Kelly is helping me out to dress up sexy, she bringer her own dresses for me because I kinda don't have anything sexy.

Now Kelly is helping me out to dress up sexy, she bringer her own dresses for me because I kinda don't have anything sexy

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Kelly chose the perfect outfit for me, in my opinion it's a little short like for me because I'm taller than her. But it's perfect for this mission.

Kelly told me she's gonna do a smokey eye makeup, because she thinks it's gonna go perfect with my outfit. I love the dress how one shoulder is naked, it makes me feel attractive.

As we done with all the make up and getting dress up, Kelly throws some black heels to go with a dress. I put them on, and now I walk in front of the mirror and I'm really finding myself... Hot.

We walk back to a living room where everybody waiting for us. I walk in and clear my throat to get their attention.

Everyone's eyes now at me, everyone looking shocked or lost, can't tell.

I look up to Harry now who's already looking to me, "You look..." he struggling to say something, "You just look...Wow." He said making me giggle.

"You could seduce any men honestly." Zayn commented with a smirk making Harry give him an angry glare.

"Watch it, Malik." Harry said sternly.

"Easy, I'm just joking around don't worry about it mate." Zayn replied cocky.

I see Harry's palms turns into a fist, I walk towards him to calm him down. I grab his hand, and kiss him in front of everyone.

I hear Harry sigh, "I don't know how I'm gonna survive tonight."

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