Chapther 29

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One month later....

The past month was really good, me and Kelly have been training for the gang every day. Now I could easily kill someone with a knife and definitely defend myself. But Kelly is more advanced than me, she already knows how to use a gun. Guns terrifies me, they are scary but I know that I have to pull myself together on this, because I will need it in a near future.

Well Harry tried teaching me how to use a gun, but it didn't end up very well. I almost shoot him in a leg, but thank god he was fast enough and he moved quickly. That was probably the most terrifying thing I had experience. All the boys kept teaching us but the mostly who was teaching me is Harry and Louis.

I didn't heard from Anastasia since we paid her a visit. One time I saw her on a campus but when she saw me she run away immediately. Good to know that she got a message.

As well I finally learn the bar, I know how to make all kind of cocktails. The business at the club is going really good, I love working specially with Kelly.

Harry as well kept teaching me how to better submissive, and after maybe twenty punishments he told that I'm doing better than at beginning. He really is proud of me.

Yes you heard me right, I got punished this month twenty times. But it was worthy. And I'm still planning that plan at getting back at him. Hehe, I know that will cost me a very painful punishment afterwards, but it's worth it.

So yeah we been all really busy this month..

Today we celebrating Niall's birthday, which happening at Niall house. It's gonna be my first time there.

Now me and Harry are sitting in a living room watching some Disney show, because I like it.

"Amelia?" His husky voice breaks the silence. I look at him mumbling an 'mmm?'

"When last time you actually been and slept in your apartment?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, why you ask?"

He clears his throat before he speaks, "You're never there.." he takes a sharp breath, "What I'm trying to say, would you please just move in with me already?" He asks with a smile that I can't even describe.

Move in with him? Am really ready for that? I mean I really want to but.. what if we don't worked out or something..? Where I will go then? I mean yeah sure I can go back to live with Kelly, but Kelly as well never home she's been staying now with Niall, so I'm pretty sure they gonna move in together soon.

Ah fuck it, I'm willing to take a risk. I smile at him as I nod, "Yes, I'll move in with you." I say.

He hugs me and starts kissing my neck, "You just made me very happy." He says.

I chuckle, "really? It only take this to make you happy?" I joke.

He giggles, "don't get too cocky before you get yourself in trouble."

"Aye captain!" I giggle like a child.


Tomorrow is the day when I'm gonna give my sweet revenge for Harry, me and Kelly was planning this all month. And we got a perfect plan; I'll wait till Harry will fall asleep, then I'm gonna text Kelly and she's gonna sneak out from Niall house. Thank god Harry is a heavy sleeper, so this should work out perfectly. She gonna steal two hand cuffs from Niall's playroom, and I will take two from Harry. And while he sleeps we gonna handcuff him to the bedposts, ankles and hands so he wouldn't get away.

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