Chapter 34

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Amelia Tomlinson

Today Harry gonna tell my plan for the guys, hope they gonna accept it. I don't know why, but I'm really nervous? What if they make fun of me?

Harry is still sleeping, so I decided to make some breakfast for us, hope I will not burn the kitchen down. I'm gonna make some eggs with bacon, some fruit balls and coffee for us.

I roll out of the bed yawing quietly to not wake up Harry. But his sleeping like dead, so I think I'm good.

I walk myself to the kitchen, and start taking things out of the fridge. I turn around to check my phone and I see time showing 08:45am.

I sigh and start making eggs, I crack them into a pan and successfully I didn't messed up yet.

Eggs didn't burn, thank god. Because I'm really bad cook, so at this moment I'm really proud. I make some bacon, it was a success as well.

Okay now let's do it fruit ball. First I washed all the fruits and grabbed first some strawberries and start cutting them. Next up some kiwi I start cutting them and...

"Fuck!" I curse little bit to loud as I watch my finger start to bleed.

"What happened?" The voice from behind strangled me.

I hide my bleeding finger behind my back when I turn to him and smile innocently, "oh nothing!" I said in high pitched voice.

He raise an eyebrow giving me a warning look, "Show me your hand." He demanded. I shook my head not looking at his direction because I'm really embarrassed, because I can't even make damn breakfast. "Amelia." You could hear the warning tone in his voice. "Come here love."

I sigh and walked to him, he took my hand from behind and gasp, "shit, come I will fix it." He said softly.

He started to clean my small wound as I hiss at the pain. I mean the wound is so small why the hell it bleeds so much. When he finished cleaning he patch the wound and kissed making me giggle.

"I can't even make a damn breakfast for you without ruining." I chuckle as I roll my eyes.

"Roll your eyes at me one more time and you gonna be over my knee in seconds." He said harshly making me drop my gaze.

"Maybethatswhatiwant." I mumble quickly under my breath, making him chuckle.

He grab my hair from behind and pull them as our eyes met, "Now, repeat yourself slowly and loud." He said smirking.

Oh how I wish to smack that smirk from his face right now, because he god damn heard what I said. I don't care I will stay stubborn right now.

"Make me." I said smirking as I saw his eyes darken.

Shit, maybe I shouldn't have done that, because now my ass will pay. But I mean that's what I wanted, right?

He chuckled darkly making me nervous, "I will princess, playroom now."

You don't have to tell me twice, I jog immediately to playroom and knelt in the middle of the room. Minute later Harry walked in a room and lock the doors behind him.

He stands in front of me now, "Now my love, stand and undress for me, then represent yourself." His voice was stern.

He thought me how to present for him, I hope I will not messed up something like usual.

I quickly rose and did as he requested, then slid to my knees and positioned myself for him. My hands are shaky from nerves, because I'm not sure if this a right position.

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