Chapter 40

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Harry Styles

"Oh, you shouldn't have said that." I said with a smirk, knowing Niall will fuck him up now.

I see Niall's eyes grows black, and his fist connects with Alex jaw, making Alex groan in pain. Another punch goes to his stomach, this time making Alex scream.

I see now Niall back off making me smirk, "Told ya." I wink at Alex who's now trying to catch a breath.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT FROM ME?!" He screamed this time.

I chuckle, "Stop with the screaming gosh." I say sarcastically.

"We want to talk you.." Louis paused for a second and then smirked, "And to teach you a fucking lesson, and then..."

"Kill you." I finished sentence for Louis.

"So kill me! What the fuck you're waiting for." He said, making me laugh.

"Oh not so fast, buttercup." I wink at him as I walk to him. "You know how everything works in this situations big guy." I said as he looked confused to me, "We heard that you're with kings." I say.

I see his confusion turns into smirk, "You know they gonna come after you." He said.

"You think they care about you? We been watching you over a month, we saw how Julian treats you.. like a fucking dog you are." I say as his smirk fades, "but if they come after us, then..." I chuckle, "Can't wait." I wink.

Julian would be very stupid to go against winds for this piece of shit, he would lost a battle how his father did.

"Let's start the fun boys." I said, as I took knife out and give to Niall.

Niall only smirked, and I move from the way so Niall could do his job. He takes the knife and drags around Alex skin as his eyes widen.

He put a knife on his leg and start pushing deeply into his skin making Alex scream in pain as the blood start to drip from open wound.

"I'm gonna fucking teach you, to not touch what's mine." Niall hisses as Alex breath quickness.

I see Niall swing his hand in the air with a knife and punch him in the face leaving cut behind and blood pouring out, Alex cries and screams making me laugh.

"Not so tough now, huh Alex?" I chuckle.

He looks at me, "Fuck you." He hisses.

I chuckle darkly, "You're nothing without Julian and his men." I pointed out him.

"He gonna come for you, if you kill me." He says with a chuckle.

I raise my eyebrow, "And why he would do that?"

"Because I'm important to him." He says making me laugh.

"Doubt that." I smile.

He is just trying to intimidate us, which it will not work. I know for damn sure that Julian doesn't have any siblings, so he for sure will not care for this pussy. He never cared if one of his gonna die, he only cares about the power and himself.

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