Chapter 17

509 10 16

Warning: sexual content

Hailey Fox

"Now, I want you to go next to my bed and kneel in front of it , head down. Don't dare to make an eye contact. Do you understand?" He said pretty clear and rough making me quickly nod.

I walk beside the bed and carefully get on my knees , hoping not fall while I'm getting down because my hands are tied up, keeping my head down , not daring to look up.

It's so difficult to stay still when your hands are tied up.

What would happen if I make eye contact with him? Should I test it out?

But I want to come tonight, so I rather will listen tonight. Because I'm pretty sure if I dare to make and eye contact with him he will not let me to cum.

I hear him shuffle around and hearing steps coming close to me, he appears in front of me.

I try lifting my head to see him but his rough voice stopped me immediately, "Uh-uh did I allowed you to look ?" His voice sounds different tonight, more dark.

I shook my head but that wasn't enough for him, "You got mouth princess, use it." He demands.

"No you didn't." I said firmly as possible trying not shake as I speak.

He clears his throat, "are you forgetting something ? You need to address me as daddy or sir for that matter, do you understand princess?"

"Yes sir, I'm sorry." I'm trying to stay calm but got damn this man has power over me like nobody else.

He is my light in my darkest night.

I tense up when he brush his fingers trough my hair, "relax love, I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to please you love, remember that. I would never hurt like that, only sexually as punishment but never like that, okay? Don't be scared of me, I'm gonna make you feel good."

I nod before I answer, "yes sir, thank you for making me feel more comfortable."

"You're so beautiful Hailey." He says making me smile.

No matter how many times I tried to tell myself I looked pretty- to change my point of view- the low self-esteem never went completely away. What if he looked at me in disgust?

Harry grabbed my chin, raising my head until I looked right into his eyes. "You look beautiful." He whispered huskily as if he could read all of my worries. He dropped his grip on me , walking behind me and untie my arms.

That's a bit a relive.

He drop the belt next to me making flinch in surprising sound of the belt hitting the ground, I hear him walking to he's closet, shuffling around and finally coming back to me.

I swallowed as he gathered with a blindfold in his hand, and walked to stand behind me. My eyes closed automatically when Harry held the material in front of me.

The thought of being blindfolded never crossed even my mind, it was scary; I'd never done anything like this before.

"Trust me." Harry whispered into my ear, and even though I hadn't know him for long , well I know him about two years but not like I know him now. And I do trust him, he's the only and first man in my life that I really trust.

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