Chapter 16

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I woke up with a freaking sore ass. It was so uncomfortable to sleep.

Yeah but  I kinda provoke him for that, so he didn't hold it back on me.

And that freaking torture with that vibrator, I don't want to feel that kind of punishment ever again. From now on I will never tease him again.

I felt Harry's hand brush my ass making me flinch because it's so sore. "I'm sorry baby, it's sore yeah?" He asked me.

I nodded to him.

He yawn and sigh, "Let me put a cream on it, it will heal quicker okay?" He smiled.

"Thank you." I smile wide.

He bring some cream and pour it on my bare ass rubbing the cream into it , "Next time if I'm gonna punish you like this again, I'm gonna put cream after I smack your ass." He rubs as he speaks.

Next time? No no no, I don't want to get that punishment ever again.

"No no..-" I chuckled, "I will try to be on my best behaviour, I don't want that punishment ever again specially with vibrator." I whispered.

He chuckled under his breath, "That's what's happened princess when you tease me and not listen to me." He said pretty clear as I roll my eyes, thank god that he can't see, because I'm laying on my stomach while he rubs the cream.

"I'm sorry again." I apologise.

He chuckles, "it's okay princess, just don't tease me anymore and you will not get in trouble." I could feel his smirk on his face without even looking.

I nodded.

It's so easy for me to get in trouble, you have no idea. I can get in trouble just by rolling my eyes.

How today I'm gonna sit in my class I have no idea.

"Hailey?" He breaks the silence.


"I'm sorry to do this but.." he sighs making me look at him confused. "Hailey I don't want you going to Anastasia coffee shop anymore, I am clear?" He said that with a dark tone.

"But..-" I tried talking but he cut me off.

"Hailey, do I make myself clear?" He looked at me darkly, making me look down nervously.

He stepped closer to me making my stomach flip inside, he grab my jaw softly so he can lift up so I could look at him, "Hailey love, please don't be upset. She's a dangerous person , I don't want you near her, do you understand?"

How is she dangerous? She always so nice to me.

"How do you know her?" I speak as my throat closing, because I want to cry so bad but I'm holding in.

He sighs as he rolling his eyes, "Hailey I don't want to talk about this." He said roughly making me tear drop from my eyes.

"Sweetheart why you are crying?" He says as he wiped my tears away.

I pull up from not saying nothing, going back to bed and turned from him away.

I felt his body sits next to me as he put his hand on my shoulder, "Hailey talk to me."

I don't answer him.

I just want to know how they know each other. It making me hurt that I don't know nothing about his past, and he almost knows everything about me.

Maybe I should ask Anastasia? But I can't.. he would be so angry with me.

"Hailey please."

"I just wanna know about your past, because you know mine.." I sob out letting tears fall like a waterfall.

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