Chapter 3

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"Oh, to see without my eyes
The first time that you kissed me
Boundless by the time I cried."


"I-I.. you're in my class.." My shaky voice left my throat. I still can't stop fucking shaking. I never thought I would be so terrified of Harry, he always been so quiet in class.

"Ah.. that's right.. I've seen you. What's your name darlin?"

"M-M..My name is Hailey. Hailey Fox." I still couldn't manage to open my eyes or stop shaking.

"Why you are so shaking? Did I scare you?" He asked me as he brush his fingers trough my hair and it made flinch. I'm so scared for any man touch, after what my father did to me.

"I-I .. I'm sorry." I apologise for being this scared.

"Why you apologising? It isn't your fault that you're scared. I'm the one who should apologise, because I'm the one that scared you. So, sorry for that sweet pea."

I only manage to nod to him, and still don't dare to look at him.

"Why you don't look at me? Please open your eyes. Everything it's okay now, I'm not gonna hurt you." He demand.

I left out a shy sigh out my mouth , as I try to open my eyes and look to him, my eyes probably tell that I'm still terrified. But when I look at him, his eyes amazed me. His eyes are so beautiful, and his face... so dreamy. I always had a lil crush on him when I would see him in classes.

But my social anxiety could never told him that.

He clears his throat and smile at me which makes me feel little bit more safe. "See, wasn't that bad. Wasn't?" He smirks.

"N-N-N..No it wasn't." I laughed under my breath.

"You cute, why I never noticed you before?" He asked.

" I don't know." I laugh awkwardly. " I'm always in my place, I never get in trouble or in someone's way, maybe that's why." I let it out a sigh because I just heard how stupid I sounded.

He snored a laugh. " never getting in trouble huh?"

I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Can I walk you home?" He asks me with a smirk smile on his face.

I shrug my shoulders, " uh.. I-I I don't know , I'm here with a friend, she probably already wonder where I am." I laugh.

"You have a nice laugh, I like it." He lean closer to my face, like about to kiss me.

My heart pounding so loud, my hands are shaking, my face start to blush , I probably look like a damn tomato.

Are he gonna kiss me? I never been in this situation before, I didn't have my first kiss yet.

"Do I make you nervous sweet pea?" He leaned even closer until our noses were touching.

I watched as his head slowly tilted and capturing me in a kiss. As our lips met, he gently pulled me closer, then run his thumb down my cheek. As he depended the kiss I found myself unable to resist. I just couldn't seem to think of anything right now, as I stood there allowing him to kiss me.

After a kiss I gazed into his green gorgeous eyes, and my stomach became a pit of nerves. But before I could speak or pull away , his lips came down to meet mine again. I froze when he kissed me abruptly, my hands in mid-air from the vibrant rant I'd been performing.

After the kiss ended, I was breathless.

The tension between us was euphoric. But it ended when the words came out of his mouth. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin you." And then he suddenly jumped up, seized the axe and ran out of the bathroom.

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