Chapter 38

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We? What does he mean we? Hope it's Kelly and Niall.

I nod my head, and walk with my head low towards playroom. I really got myself a lot in trouble. When I simply could just stand in that mother fucking corner. But no! I had to run off.

I open the doors to a playroom, and kneel in the middle of the room to show him or them I guess my submission.

After feels like five minutes I see the door opening, I immediately bow my head down. I hear footsteps come in, it feels like only three people enter.

"Look up love." Harry says, as I lift my head and see Kelly and Niall only with Harry here. I let out a breath in relief and I see Harry chuckle. "Nervous aren't we? He asks and I give him a small nod.

"I'm sorry." I said in sad voice.

Harry knelt down to my eye level so he can look at me, "Do you wanna know what we gonna do to you love?" He asked as I nod. "You gonna get spanking." He said, well that doesn't sound that bad honestly. "From all of us, we already chose our tools, Niall and Kelly gonna give you twenty, so ten times each cheek, and I'm gonna give you thirty." He said as I wide my eyes.

Talked too soon.

"Kelly and Niall please tell my baby girl what tools you gonna use." Harry commanded them.

Kelly smirked and said, "Cane."

"Ruler." Niall said.

Fuck that gonna hurt, don't know how hard Niall gonna spank me but I hope he would not go too hard on me.

I looked to Harry with begging eyes to go easy on me, he only smirked, "Do you wanna choose your tool?" He asked.

He letting me choose?

"Uh... belt?" I said not being sure.

He didn't say anything he only smirked which his smirk in this kind of situations doesn't mean good. I'm fucked up.

This really stressing me out.

"Stand up and take off your jeans." Harry said to me.

I stand up with with my heart beating at three hundred miles per hour as I reach for my jeans. I slowly sliding my jeans down till they reach my ankles and I step out of them.

"Come over my lap love I'm gonna hold you while they spank you and when my time comes I will need you to bend over, okay?" He asks and I nod shyly, "Don't forget this stops whenever you want."

"Yes sir."

I slowly push myself over his lap with my ass up. "Kelly." Harry only says.

I feel Kelly behind me and without warning she gives first smack making me go in front from surprise, thank god Harry is holding me otherwise I would've kissed the floor.


Kelly quickly gave me twenty smacks as I was trying to stay in my place without moving. Tears are filling my eyes to the point my vision is blurry.

Harry rubs the area where Kelly just smacked to calm the sting. "What do you say baby girl?" Harry said in teasing voice.

I sniffed, "Thank you."

He kept rubbing my red bottom, "Good girl, do you wanna take a break or do you want to continue?" He said giving me an option which I'm thankful for.

"Continue sir." I said.

I'll take them now, it will end quickly.

"Proud of you baby." Harry praises me making me smile, I always love those praises. "Niall." Harry simply said.

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