Chapter 56

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Harry's POV

I've seen Amelia feeling embarrassed before, but today she hardly speaks when we meet up with Sabrina. We're sitting in a small caffe with Amelia and Sabrina, Amelia's eyes were fixed firmly on her coffee cup.

Her cheeks tinged with a blush that she usually reserved for embarrassed moments.

Sabrina noticed it too. She leaned back in her chair, her gaze piercing as she observed Amelia's unusual demeanor. There was a brief silence, filled only by the ambient clinking of cups and low murmur of other patrons, before Sabrina's voice cut through the quiet.

"Is there something wrong, Amelia?" she asked, her tone threaded with genuine concern but underscored by that innate authority she seemed to wield effortlessly.

Amelia's eyes flickered up, then away, unable to hold Sabrina's steady gaze. "It's just..." Amelia started, her voice a near-whisper, "I'm a little embarrassed about last night."

Sabrina softened, tilting her head slightly, inviting Amelia to continue. "What happened last night?"

Amelia took a deep breath, her fingers nervously playing with the rim of her coffee cup. "You might not remember it, but I saw you at the club with Harry. I... I may have overreacted a bit."

I remembered the previous night vaguely. The club had been crowded, the music too loud, and I had run into Sabrina by sheer chance. We had talked for a while, close to the bar, not realizing that Amelia had spotted us from across the room.

"Overreacted?" Sabrina's brow furrowed. "How so?"

"I thought you were... well, I thought you were someone else," Amelia admitted, her voice growing steadier with each word. "Someone from Harry's past."

Sabrina's lips curled into a half-smile. "And that bothered you?"

Amelia hesitated, then nodded, her admission hanging between them like a delicate piece of glassware, fragile and transparent. "Yes, it did. More than it should have."

There was another pause, a gentle understanding passing through Sabrina's eyes. "Look at me, Amelia," she said, her voice dipping into that commanding tone that demanded attention.

Sabrina is a dominant woman, she owns a BDSM club where people can make theirs fantasy to reality. She do sessions too.

This time, Amelia's response was immediate; her eyes lifted to meet Sabrina's, a mix of apprehension and relief in her gaze.

Sabrina studied her for a moment, then nodded slowly. "It's okay to feel that way. But you should know, I'm just a friend of Harry's."

"I know, I'm sorry," Amelia sighed, looking genuinely relieved. "It's just been a weird time, and seeing Harry with someone new threw me off, I guess."

"That's understandable," Sabrina responded, her voice warm and reassuring. "But I'm not here to cause any trouble."

Amelia's posture relaxed, her initial tension easing as they ventured into more comfortable territory. They began to chat about their common interests, the conversation flowing more freely now.

As they talked, it became clear that Sabrina's dominance was not just about asserting authority but about establishing grounds for respect and understanding.

By the time we decided to leave, the awkwardness of the morning had dissipated, replaced by the budding excitement of a new friendship. Amelia's laughter rang clear and confident as we stepped out of the cafe into the cool afternoon air.

"Thanks for introducing us, Harry," Amelia said as we walked, her smile bright and unguarded.

"No problem," I replied, feeling a surge of relief. "I had a feeling you two would hit it off."

As we walk Amelia blurted out, "I wanna visit her club."

That made me stop in my tracks, "what?"

"What?" Amelia looks confused.

"So you're telling me, that you Amelia wants to visit a BDSM club, where people play and have sex shows?" I'm genuinely shocked.

"Well yeah, I open to try something new." Amelia shrugs her shoulders.

"Well okay then, we can go tomorrow." I chuckle.

I might have an idea she might love it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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