Chapter 2

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The invitation echoed in the air, a proposition to escape the weight of recent hardships. Kelly's voice, full of enthusiasm, cut through my contemplation. "Come on! Let's go out tonight! You haven't been out since you came back from your dad's."

I hesitated, burdened by the undisclosed truth. I hadn't confided in Kelly about the panic attacks that had surfaced during my time with my father. Shielding her from that vulnerability, I reluctantly agreed.

"Alright, let's go out tonight. I want to have fun, even if it's just for one night, and forget everything," I sighed, attempting to embrace the promise of normalcy.

Kelly beamed at me, her excitement contagious. "Tonight is going to be so much fun! We'll drink and party till the sunrise!"

I managed a snort of laughter. "Great, I want to drink until I forget and don't care anymore."

As the night unfolded, Kelly's initial fervor took an unexpected turn. In her bag, she revealed ecstasy, a proposition that rattled me. I hesitated, expressing my concerns about the unfamiliar territory, especially given the recent struggles. Kelly's demeanor shifted swiftly from excitement to embarrassment.

"Hailey, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about your dad situation and what happened to you. I didn't mean to make you feel upset. I'm so stupid; damn it, sorry, Hailey," she apologized, her embarrassment palpable.

I reassured her, "Kelly, don't apologize. It's okay, really. It happens. You didn't upset me because a part of me wants to, but another part says no. It's like having an angel and devil on my shoulders, you know? Maybe next time, okay?"

"Sure, baby girl, anything for you. And again, I'm really sorry. I feel bad about it," she acknowledged, remorse lingering in her eyes.

"Stop it, I'm fine. Now, let's take a few shots before we go. I want a warm start; it's going to be so fun. To us! To a girls' night out!" I proclaimed, attempting to drown the haunting thoughts with the solace of tequila.

Fast forward to 11:30 pm, and the alcohol had begun to weave its numbing spell. The club, named 'Dolor,' welcomed us with its vibrant blue lights and pulsating music. We descended into an atmosphere of carefree revelry.

At the bar, we ordered more shots, a decision that seemed excessive but resonated with our shared desire to escape reality

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At the bar, we ordered more shots, a decision that seemed excessive but resonated with our shared desire to escape reality. "Four tequila shots over here, please!" Kelly's request echoed over the thumping music.

"Kelly, four? Why four? We're only two. We're going to be messed up if we take those now," I questioned, a note of concern in my voice.

"That's the point, baby girl. You said you want to forget, so let's forget and let's get messed up!" Kelly responded with a smirk, setting the tone for the uninhibited night.

The club pulsed with energy as we danced for what felt like an eternity. Amidst the pulsating beats, the call of nature prompted a hasty retreat to the restroom.

"Kelly, I'm going to the toilet because I feel like I'm about to explode if I don't pee now."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's okay. I'm just going for a pee. What's the worst that can happen?" I reassured her.

Little did I know, trouble awaited me in the dimly lit restroom. In my inebriated state, I mistakenly entered the men's bathroom and confronted a mysterious figure, only realizing my error when he corrected me with a smirk.

"Em, excuse me, what are you doing here? This is a women's bathroom. Get out!" I demanded, my embarrassment intensifying.

With a laugh, he turned to face me. Recognition hit me like a punch to the gut. It was Harry Styles from my class, dressed all in black. My confusion spiraled as I tried to comprehend the mix-up.

"Hate to break it to you, but this is the men's bathroom," he chuckled.

I fumbled, embarrassed beyond belief. "Oh my god. I'm sorry. I didn't see the urinals. I thought..."

He interrupted, "You okay there? You look like you're about to faint."

Embarrassment overwhelmed me. "I'm fine. I'm just embarrassed. It's never happened before. I'm sorry I yelled at you, Harry."

He raised an eyebrow. "How do you know my name?"

"I-I... You're in my class," I stammered, desperately trying not to sound like a creep.

His demeanor shifted, and he closed the restroom door behind me. Panic set in as he cornered me, a surge of fear reminiscent of past traumas. However, this time, it was a different kind of trouble, and I braced myself for the unknown.

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