Chapter 15

487 10 14

Warning: sexual content

Harry Styles

She was sleeping peacefully next to me, her arm hugging me around my waist.

She's so beautiful, my Hailey. Only mine.

I can't stop thinking about that moment when she came in front all of those people. The image in my head keeps replaying over and over again. I know for her, was a torture because she couldn't express herself much or let out any sounds but she took it like a good girl she is.

But god she can be a brat, but I think she's liking being like that because she likes to see what i will do to her, she likes testing me.

But when she will get better I'll show her my dark side, she will regret asking for but I'm sure she gonna love it.

I'm still feeling so guilty when I snap at Hailey when she asked about fucking Anastasia, and she is a friend with her.

This is so fucking bad.

Anastasia is a psychopath , who can ruin someone as sweet as Hailey. But I'll not let this happen, she's under my protection now.

But if Anastasia will even dare to lay a finger on my sweet Hailey, she gonna regret that she was born.

Hailey was so scared of me when I snapped at her, she thought I'm gonna hurt her, I know she said that she knew I wasn't but I know that deep down she thought I will, I could feel her pain in her voice when she explained.

She still doesn't feel safe with me, but I'm trying everything to change that.

I wonder if Liam found any information on her father. Because I have a strong feeling that's something ain't alright there, something just don't stick together.

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts when I hear Hailey mumble, "Stop.." she sighs, "please stop." She speaks under her breath.

She's having another nightmare.

"Hailey.." I whispered as I brush my fingers trough her hair.

Her face scrunched up, but she didn't wake up.

"Hailey, wake up princess you're having a nightmare." I whisper again.


But she suddenly jumps out from my sight sitting on bed trying to catch her breath, and she's shaking like crazy.

I immediately wrapped my hands around her and pull her closer to me feeling she rest her head on my chest as her breathing becomes more slower, "breath love, it was only a nightmare you're safe with me." She nodded to my chest.

You're safe princess.

She lift her head to me with those innocent brown eyes, "I'm sorry to wake you up." She apologise.

This girl apologise too much.

"Hailey stop apologising, you didn't do nothing wrong love, I wasn't sleeping." I comfort her.

She just nodded and rested her head again against my chest hugging me around my waist.

My poor Hailey, her father totally messed her up.

Fucking bastard, I swear if she just let me have a talk with him, I would make sure he would leave her alone for the rest of her life.

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