Chapter 33

240 5 21

Kelly Floris

It's so lonely in apartment without Amelia, but at least Niall coming here or I'm going to his. And today I'm gonna drive to him.

He said we gonna watch some movies, and then of course I'll get horny and we all know how it's gonna end.

I go to my room and put just a random summer dress I found, if we gonna have sex it's gonna be easier to take it off.

I grab my keys from the counter and walk myself out of the apartment. I lock the doors, check if I have everything.

Yeah I got everything, phone? Yes, wallet? Yes, keys from Niall's home? Yes, knife? Yes? Gun? Yes. Niall taught to never go not armed. So I always attach gun and knife under my dresses.

I walk towards my car, when I suddenly felt someone grab me from behind. I immediately try to reach for knife but the person was faster than me and grabbed my hands pinning them above my head, and pushing me to a car. I kept my eyes closed.

"Hello buttercup." Familiar voice whispered to my ear, making my blood boil. I open my eyes hoping is not that person, but it is.

Alex Hart, my ex before Niall.

We didn't end up thing pretty, I broke his nose before I broke up with him. But honestly he deserve it, I fucking caught him cheating with some slut.

"Get the fuck off me Alex." I hiss to his face.

He looks me up and down and smirks, "Oh Cmon, don't you miss me?"

I raise my eyebrow at him, "Are you that fucking stupid? Trust me if you don't let go of me you gonna fucking regret it ever touching me." I said.

He laughs and before he answers he scans my arm seeing my wind tattoo, and his face expression gets angry. "Are you with fucking winds?"

I smirk looking at him, "Scared?" I said sarcastically.

He laughs as he rips his shirt with one hand showing his king tattoo. My eyes widen as I see. Niall told me about the King's mafia, they are dangerous.

But I'm not fucking scared of this pussy.

I laugh, "Woah, couldn't get a girlfriend after me, so you joined the mafia to look cooler?" I said laughing seeing he jaw tightness.

Before he could answer, I kick with my knee to his dick as he lets go of me grabbing his crotch. I immediately step away from him to have space.

"You fucking whore! You gonna regret for doing that." He said, trying to get up.

I laugh as I pull my gun out pointing at him as his eyes widen, "Who's a whore now? Huh?" I raise my voice. "Now listen to me, you are the one who's gonna regret touching me!"

He laughs, "And why that's?"

"Heard of Niall Horan?" I ask as he nods, "Well, you touch what his, so you can start counting your days on this earth.

He laughs as I felt four strong hands grabs me from behind making me drop my gun. "FUCKING LET GO OF ME!" I scream on top of my lungs.

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