Chapter 46

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I'm gonna fix it everything, it might sound reckless but I just have do it. It hurts my heart I can't tell no one about my plan, but I just gotta do it alone.

It's been two weeks since I stabbed Julian, and since then we haven't heard from him.

I don't really got a plan yet, but I'm in a process of it. I just know I'm gonna have to do it when everyone's asleep. Because Harry no way will let go of me somewhere alone since I stabbed Julian.

I'm thinking I just have to find Julian and have a talk with him. Sounds super dangerous, but he might compromise with me or I'm just gonna get killed.

The death doesn't scare me, is the people my death gonna hurt scares me.

But before going to Julian, I'm gonna leave a letter for everyone, just in case. I know when Harry gonna find and read the letter, he immediately gonna look for me.

So maybe he will find me before Julian kills me.

No! I'm not gonna think like that. It's just gonna be fine, everything gonna be fine I will not killed... hopefully.

Okay first step is to find Julian, how I'm gonna do that, I still have no idea. I need to track him somehow, but I don't know how. Only the guys knows, and if I tell them I need to track Julian they will ask why, and then if I'll tell my plan they probably would lock me in the room.

For my own safety of course.

I just gonna use my brain, and try to get any information from Louis phone, because he was the one who tracked him. Maybe he still do?

They are all coming today.


Now we all sitting in the room chilling and talking, and my eyes is focus on Louis phone whenever he puts somewhere whenever he takes, I watch it.

I think it will be easy to take it out when I'll go for a hug, hopefully he will not feel it.

"Okay guys is getting late I think we should go." Liam said.

Yes! I can finally take his phone and work on my plan, and maybe if I track him I will go to him tonight.

"Okay, I'll go get ready for bed, see you guys tomorrow?" Harry said as he walked to me and kissed my forehead, "Will be waiting for in bedroom, love." He whispered making me smile.

Call this luck, because I think I would take his phone with Harry in the room.

Everyone left, and Louis was still here, "Okay baby sis, see you tomorrow?" He said and started to walk to the door.

"Wait!" I said and he looked back at me confused, "C-Can I hug you?" I said and his eyes light up as he nodded.

I wrap my hand around him as I hugged him, my hands quickly went to one of his pocket where his phone was and I carefully took it. And.... Ha! I have it.

He pulled from a hug and there where my nerves kick in. I put my hand with his phone behind my back, for him not to see it.

He smiled, "Okay, see ya tomorrow!" He winked at me and walked away.

When the doors closed I let a breath out I didn't realise I was holding. I quickly look to his phone and god damn it, of course it needs password.

His birthday..? No.

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