Chapter 5

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In the anticipation of the impending conversation, a cascade of memories floods my mind: the tender moments, the abrupt departure, the ensuing tears. With a cautious tone, I muster the courage to question, "Why do you want to talk now? You left abruptly after our last encounter."

His smirk emerges as he responds calmly, "I assumed you wouldn't recall much from last night, as you mentioned before. That's precisely what I wish to discuss – the events of last night."

A simple 'mhm' escapes my lips as we traverse the hallway, eventually finding ourselves in the bathroom. The click of the lock triggers a wave of panic within me, hands trembling, eyes widening.

Attempting to reassure, he calmly remarks, "Relax, I have no intention of causing harm. Are you afraid of me?"

"No, not at all. I apologize," I stammer.

"Has anyone ever told you that you apologize too much?" he remarks.

"You're the first," I respond with a laugh, attempting to diffuse the tension.

He lifts his hand, gently tilting my chin to meet his gaze. The inexplicable effect of his eyes leaves me frozen, rendering me unable to move or speak.

"I owe you an apology," he begins, struggling with his words. "I didn't mean to run off last night. I can't explain why, but I truly regret it."

Offering a forgiving response, I say, "It's okay, no problem."

Insisting that it's not okay, he expresses a desire to make amends. Perplexed, I agree, prompting him to propose a secretive plan for the evening.

As the clock inches past six, the realization dawns that I must prepare for his arrival at seven. Seeking guidance from a friend, I call out to Kelly, seeking advice on attire and makeup.

In a whirlwind of assistance, she hands me a silk rose dress, assuring me it looks captivating. Skepticism lingers, but I relent to her persuasion.

Adorned in the dress, I find a newfound confidence, a sentiment Kelly corroborates with pride. Subsequently, a tasteful makeup session further transforms my appearance, leaving me feeling unfamiliar yet undeniably beautiful.

Grateful for Kelly's support, I admit, "I feel pretty. I haven't felt this way in a long time."

Her reassurance follows, "You're always pretty, Hailey."

As the evening unfolds, uncertainties about the nature of the impending surprise linger. Distracted by thoughts, I can't shake the worry about whether the dress might convey the wrong impression.

Kelly, ever the pragmatic friend, hands me a condom, teasingly asserting its necessity. Laughter ensues, and I tuck it away, questioning the likelihood of such an intimate encounter.

Voicing my concerns to Kelly, I ask, "Do you think I'll lose my virginity tonight?"

Her response is measured, advocating for caution and genuine desire. The nerves persist, but a couple of shots are deemed a suitable remedy to ease the tension.

As the appointed hour approaches, a knock echoes through the door, jolting me with fear. Kelly's concern is palpable, yet a resolute decision to proceed prevails.

In a somewhat inebriated state, I hear the knocking once more. "Coming!" I declare, ready to face whatever the evening may unfold.


Hey peaches! Hope you're enjoying this story, and I hope you liking so far. I'm new at this, I'm sure there's probably some mistakes , but I'm always learning from my mistakes. Everyone does, right?

By the way the next chapter is gonna be Harry's POV.

Love you all.

Hailey after hearing that Harry arrived:

Hailey after hearing that Harry arrived:

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