Chapter 20

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Warning: sexual content

I remember falling asleep with my work clothes on , but I woke up in one of Harry's shirt and only my underwear.

I never thought I'm gonna like sharing bed with someone, but it's so nice waking up with someone you love.

Oh god. I'm in love with Harry.

I want to tell him. But I'm so afraid, what if he doesn't love me back? What if he will give up on me? What if for him is also hard to say the words 'I love you.'

But I think I'll get drunk and I'll tell him, at least when I'm drunk I'm brave to say or do anything.

I will ask him to teach me self defence on Monday, because honesty I'm too lazy today. But how do I get out of it?

He probably will punish me if I disobey him. My ass still sore from yesterday. But I don't mind honestly.

I grab my phone so I could text Kelly.

Message sent 09:26am.

Morning sunshine. I want to get drunk tonight...:) you down? Because I want to tell him but I'm not brave enough so I rather get drunk and tell him. Soooooo... are you in?

Message received 09:29am.

Who are you? And what did you do to my best friend?:) ofc I'm in! Meet you at the club tonight.

Message sent 09:32am.

Yeah but first I need to get out of self defence, which Harry want to teach me today. But I don't wanna.. so I'll ask him if we can do other time..

Message received 09:34am.

What if he will not let you..?:(

Message sent 09:35am.

Then I'm gonna be a brat to him till he will say yes to me..:) idc if he will punish me but I want to get drunk

Message received 09:37am.

YOU'RE A BAD GIRL! I love it..:)

I chuckled to the last message. Well I probably need to prepare my ass for today. Because I'm sure he will punish me if I'll get bratty.

"Morning love." Harry break the silence making me flinch a little because he made me snap out of my thoughts how I'm gonna get my way.


I smirk to him, "Morning baby." I tease him.

He clears his throat and rub his eyes before looking to me, "That smirk is never good. What you are up to?" He asks.

I let out a devilish laugh, "Can we skip the self defence today pleaseeee?" I'm giving my best puppy dog eyes.

"If you got a good reason, then I might let you." He said.


Well I can't lie, because he will catch me and then I'm gonna be dead woman. But if I'll tell that I want to drink with Kelly , then he definitely not gonna let me.

"Uh.." I laugh awkwardly, "Please let's just take a day off, I want to spend time with you. I just wanna cuddle you.. kiss you... and after we go to club to have some drinks with guys and Kelly.. pleaseee I promise I'm gonna be a good girl.."

He sighs, "Fine, but you need to behave. If you don't.. we'll you know what's happened then.." he smiles.

That was.. Fast. He agreed to quick.

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