Chapter 32

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One week later..


I run as fast as I can from him, far far away from. If I'll hide and run he will not be able to hurt me.

"Hailey! Come here right now! You're just making bad for yourself!" He shouts, as I run.

I turn back to see if he still chasing me, and my eyes widen when I see him holding a knife in his hand. My heart beat fastened as run.

Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me.

I run trough empty New York streets, and wonder why there's no people when I need the most. I need to find help. I run as I turn left hoping to see a single soul, but there's fucking nothing.

I run and I run and I run until someone hands grabs me, "gotcha slut!" He grabs me and pins me to the wall by my throat.

"P-please father, I'm sorry!" I scream.

He chuckles sadisticly, "I thought I'm not your father anymore, Hailey." He hissed at me.

"I-I I didn't mean it, I'm so...-" my sentence was cut off by James palm, my head turning. Now he puts knife to my throat.

"I was fucking taking care of you!" He hissed as he presses the knife more into my skin.

"YOU ABUSED ME!" I scream to his face.

He laughs, "You fucking deserve it! Look at you! You dressed up like a fucking slut." He points the knife to my skirt and top.

"Harry, please help me.." I whispered to myself.

"Your little fuck boy not gonna help you whore! He doesn't care about you!" He hisses.

"Harry..." I call his name again.

That James earned a laugh, "Say goodbye to your pathetic life slut." He says as he nows lifts the knife and pushes right trough my heart.

I open my eyes immediately screaming, "HARRY!" I sob out. I jump out of the bed covering my face with my palms, trying to catch a breath.

I can't breath.

I felt someone's hands behind me, and I immediately flinch away from them thinking is James, "Baby, it's Harry it's me. You're safe with me." Familiar voice comfort me.

I take my palms out of my hand, looking at him and it's Harry, I'm safe. I walk back to him, wrapping my hands around his waist. "I'm sorry I flinch away from you." I can't help it but cry, " I thought it was J-James... I'm sorry please don't hate me." I sob.

He hushes me as he wipe my tears away with his thumbs, "Don't ever apologise for your emotions, and I would never hate you baby girl. Please, don't ever think like that. No matter what, I'm gonna love you." He kisses my forehead as I nod.

"In the dream.. H-he killed me, and I was so scared I was searching for help and nobody was there.." My tears form again in my eyes.

"He's not gonna hurt you princess, you're under my protection love." He says.

I'm safe, I always feel safe in his hands. "You're my safe place Harry, I'm so glad I lost my phone that night." I chuckle trough my tears.

He laughs, "You're mines too princess."

I sniff, "C-C-Can we go to my parents today? I want them to know about my nightmares. I don't know why.." I said.

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