Chapter 36

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Amelia Tomlinson

"Let's begin." Kelly said, "I'm very disappointed in you baby girl... Stealing the liquid from Harry, drinking it. Bad bad girl Amelia." She states, as she stays in her role.

She's really good at this. I bet Niall enjoying watching her dominate me.

"I'm sorry mistress and sir for disappointing you both, I deserve whatever punishment you gonna give me." I said with sad voice hoping they will soften up.

"Cute... But I know you too good babe, so it's not gonna work on me." Kelly said with a deep chuckle.

Well... Shit, I should've expected that.

I have read somewhere before that mistress are more strict than masters, well not in this case... they are both strict to me now, specially Kelly because she knows me to well.

My sad manipulation it's not gonna work on her, it's only working on Harry. But not all the time though, he got to know pretty well too now.

I felt both of them walking behind me and opening some drawers and grabbed bag of something which from the sound it kinda sounds heavy. I could feel my hands getting sweaty from anxiety I'm feeling right now.

A few minutes of silence Harry finally spoke, "Stand up and face the door with your arms behind your back." He ordered me and I complied.

As I got closer to the door, I heard him walking closer to me and cut the bag open whatever was in it. It sounded like a sand or rice.

Lord, please tell me that they will not make me kneel in rice.

"Turn around, get on your hands and knees and crawl to us." Harry said and you could hear that smirk on his face.

I turned around, quickly looking around and I see buckets of rice, I gave Harry an question look he just simply nodded, and I began to crawl to them.

After I crawled to them I knelt in front of them with my head down, I see Kelly legs move in front of me now as she got to my eye level and lifted my chin, so I could look at her. "Today we gonna teach you some discipline baby girl, well in simple words... you're brat." She chuckled, making me now little nervous, "you knew you weren't allowed to drink, but you did it anyway, I am correct?"

"Y-yes ma'am." I let out a shaky breath earning a small evil chuckle from Kelly.

"Why did you do it then?" She asks concerning, I stay silent because I have no idea what to say, I fucked up.

Next move of her surprise me when she grabbed my hair from behind and pulled harshly down, as I gasped from surprise as now she's looking at me. "When I ask you a question.. you answer." She said strictly.


I looked to Harry and Niall who as well has shocked expression on their face.

"Yes mistress." My voice is now even more shaky than before, " I drink it because... I was really nervous because I don't know how to flirt, so I drink it to not feel embarrassed when I do it... I'm sorry." Tears escaped my eyes.

I saw Kelly face soften up, "Oh Amelia, why wouldn't you talk to me about it? I told you, you don't have to do this. But your stubborn ass wants to." She said with a chuckle as I let out a small laugh as well.

"I'm sorry." I said trough tears, "But I want to do this for you, because god damn nobody gonna hurt my best friend like that." I said.

She let go of my hair, "Do we have to still to punish her? I mean look at her my poor baby had tears already in her eyes." She said, because she definitely soften up.

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