Chapther 30

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I woke up without a hangover which was really strange, because usually when I get drunk that much like yesterday I usually feel bad in a morning.

Anyways today is very exciting day, I'm gonna give my revenge for Harry. Tonight me and Kelly gonna do it, to be honest I'm really nervous but I'm ready.

Harry you gonna taste you own medicine.

"Baby girl get up and get ready for lectures." Harry spoke making me snap out of my thoughts.

Oh right, I still got lectures to attend. Ugh! So annoying, "Ugh! I'm serious thinking to become a stripper than keep torturing myself in those lectures." I roll my eyes as I roll myself to other side of the bed.

I hear Harry chuckle, "Over my dead body, princess." I feel his appearance next to me. "C'mon now get up, we don't want to be late. Get dressed." He say.


He clears his throat, "Do I need to dress you up?" He say in challenging voice.

I don't say nothing, because I want to challenge him.

"Five... four..." he started to count backwards. If he thinks this gonna work, his very mistaken.

"Three... two..." he stops for a second, "ONE. Fine, have it your way." He warned me.

In a next seconds I feel the blanked ripped off me and him picking me up and throwing me on his shoulder. "HARRY PUT ME DOWN!!" I giggle.

He brings me into a bathroom and sits me up on the toilet seat. I watch him innocently take a toothbrush and put some toothpaste on in. He bring close to my mouth looking down to me, "Open up." He orders me and I obey. He starts to brush my teeth, "You acting like a child today so I'm gonna treat you like one." He smirks as he keep brushing my teeth.

"Yes daddy." I mumble trough the toothbrush.

I'm kinda into today to be a little one to be honest, and he's really into to be a daddy. Well now I'm thinking if I should be a brat today or give him a break?

You know what? I'll give him a brake, because if I'll be a brat I'll be punished. So today I'm gonna be on my best behaviour. Because we all know after my tonight stunt my punishment gonna hurt like hell.

So till the night I'm gonna be a good girl.

He takes the toothbrush out of my mouth as all the liquid in my mouth sits, "Spit it out little one." He says with a smile.

I stand up and walk myself over the sink and spit everything out as I clean everything one more time by water and spitting once again.

I turn back to look at him, "What do you say baby?" He asks.

"Thank you daddy." I said watching his grin turn into a smirk.

"Good girl. Now get dressed little one for me, can you do that?" He asks as I nod. "I don't do nods Amelia."

I pout my lip, "Yes daddy I can do that." I say in very sad voice.

Yeah I'm being dramatic about it, because he used my name instead of some cute nickname.

He looks confused at me, "Why are you sad?"

"Because you used my name instead of cute nickname." I pout my lip again trying my hardest not to laugh right now.

He pulls me into a hug, "I'm sorry princess." He kisses my forehead, "All better baby?"

I nod with a smile, "Yes daddy."

"Get ready baby girl." He says as I nod and go back to our room to change.


We went finally to this fucking lectures. Oh did I mention.. when I'm a little he doesn't allow me to swear? So now I'm cursing in my mind.

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