Chapter 49

44 2 0

Amelia Tomlinson

Three weeks later...

I've been focusing all my time on training, all this three weeks I worked my ass off for this event. No fun games, no sex, no fun. Harry was worried that I working myself too much for this event.

Well I wanna stay alive.

Maybe I'm a little stressed about this event, not gonna lie. I'm scared to fail, that's why I've been working so hard. I learn some new tricks, that Harry showed me. Louis after a week, started finally talking to me he's still little bit cold, but can you blame him?

I hurt Loui so much, and the guilt is still on my chest that I've never left a letter for him. I should have left him letter, but I wasn't thinking at that moment at all, all I wanted is to fix things.

But in these three weeks I grew stronger and smarter.

Tomorrow is the event, Kelly chosen this beautiful black dress for me, my hair gonna be up in ponytail since I need to look elegant to impress this man.

Maxim Lazovsky.

I've been studying about him for two weeks now, and I found out about him quite a lot. He likes younger women, his favourite colour is black, he has a son named Dimitri Lazovsky, which they don't speak for some reason Dimitri and Maxim wife aka Dimitri mom  they both disappeared in 2016, he was only sixteen back then, now he is twenty two.

And I couldn't found anything about him it's like they both vanished to the air. But that's doesn't really matter since our focus is Maxim.

I'm ready to get rid of him.

As I am lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice when Harry walked in, "You ok, shorty?" He starlet me.

I smack his shoulder as he let out a dramatic whine, "Don't sneak up on me like that! And since when you calling me shorty?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

He has this goofy grin on his face, shrugging his shoulders; "Since today." He says as I roll my eyes.

In a quick motion he grabs me by my  neck and pins me down to nearest wall, his face so close to mine. "I think my baby forgot about some rules." He whispers to me.

I smirk, "Oh, yeah? Remind me then." I challenge him, and that's all he needed, is my permission to touch me and take me. I love how he is the dominant one but I got all control over him, I got the power.

He puts me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "You know I can walk, right?" I said a bit annoyed.

He chuckles and smacks my ass as I gasp, "I know, but this way is way more fun don't you think?" He says as he smacks my ass again.

I didn't realise how much I missed him over this past few weeks, I miss his touch I miss the way he feels, I miss sex.

But knowing Harry I won't get any tonight, as "punishment", I'm pretty sure my ass will be hot red when his done with me.

But do I complain? No.

I want his hands on me, I want to feel his dick harden when his spanking me.

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