Chapter 24

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TW: Mention of suicide, some sexual content

I wake up more early than Harry. I get up so I could drink some water, but something else catch my eyes.

Harry's cigarettes.

So I grab them with a lighter and walk towards the balcony. I sit on chair, when I was about to light up a cigarette Harry's voice stopped me.

"What you think you doing baby?" He caught me out of guard, making me drop the lighter and cigarette on the ground.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath, but I'm pretty sure he heard it because I hear him chuckle behind me.

He walk to a balcony, now standing in front of me as I look down to my feet. "I just wanted to try..." I say softly, hoping he will not punish me. My ass is still sore since yesterday.

"You're not allowed to smoke cigarettes, are I'm making myself clear?" He says roughly.

I don't say nothing I just sit in silence, then he wrap his fingers on my chin so he could lift my head so I could look at him.

"Do I make myself clear Hailey?" He said.

"But why?" I ask being a stubborn, which probably gonna get me soon in trouble.

"Because I don't want you to have this bad habit." He says as I roll my eyes at him without realising.

He move his hand on my throat, squeezing lightly, "do you understand?" He ask and I don't answer, he squeezes now more harshly.

"Yes sir." I answered.

"Good. And if I catch you again with these you not gonna like it what will happen to you." He says making me nod my head immediately.

Why I want to see what will happen? Guess who will try to see what he will do.

"How are you feeling after yesterday princess?" He says now in softly caring voice.

"Honestly?" I ask and he nods, "I'm still hurt.. but besides that I'm totally fine. I don't regret punching him, I just wish you would let me punch him more." I say chuckling as I roll my eyes playfully.

"I didn't want you get yourself hurt, you need training before punching anyone. Look at your hands, your knuckles are blue." He answers making me look to my hands as I gasp.

I didn't know it looked that bad, My hands are shade of dark red as my knuckles are blue and purple. I hide my hands from him, because I'm embarrassed.

He softly take my hands, "Don't be embarrassed princess please, I'm gonna bring some ice on them okay?" He says and I nod with a smile.

I watch him leave the balcony.

I love how he always take care of me when I do something stupid. But I never truly knew how to react when people being nice to me, ya know?

I just have a broken soul , and I don't know how to fix it. But the most important question.. do I want to be fixed?

Maybe I'm better this way.

My thoughts was interrupted by Harry's voice, "What's on your mind?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders as I keep avoiding eye contact, "Nothing important. Can we talk about something else?" I ask him as he place some ice wrapped in napkin on my knuckles.

He raises his eyebrow as he knew I was lying, "It's sounds important to me, talk to me. I'm here for you princess." He says.

I really don't like talking about myself.

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