Chapter 10

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I woke up in his apartment, in his bed. I can't even remember when I fall asleep. I know we talked a lot, but can't remember what.

That's odd, I didn't drink last night.

Or... did I?

Fuck I can't remember.

I feel Harry next to me, moving in bed till he opens his lazy eyes, "Good morning." He said.

I like his morning voice so much, is so fucking attractive. And the way his messed up hair looks, it's just everything about him is so freaking attractive.

"Morning." I gave him a smile.

I feel different this morning, like very different. But not like in a bad way, it's really good.

Is probably about last night, last night was the first time I ever came.

I mean don't get me wrong I was trying doing myself millions times, but I couldn't do it.. it's just never worked out for me.

I thought maybe it was me, maybe my vagina was broken or something.

Well apparently it's not.

Harry changed that for me, he showed me that I can do it.

He shuffles next to me with a smirk on his face, "can I ask you something?"

I give him a small nod.

"Last night, why you said that you thought your vagina was broken darling? Hm?"

Fuck, I knew this was coming. How the fuck do I answer?

I shrug my shoulders, "uh- I don't know." I giggle.

Please don't ask me more.

He put his thumb on my chin, and turn my face to him, "you know, it's not nice to lie love."

I roll my eyes immediately, "I know, I just don't know how to answer."

"Try it."

Yeah try it.. easy to say hard to do.

"Em, I..-" I cough, "I never came before in my life, till the last night. And I thought maybe my vagina was broken or something, well apparently not." I turn my face from him, because I'm embarrassed.

"Really?" He raise his eyebrows in shock, "With what losers you been before, that they couldn't even make you come?"

That's the problem, I wasn't with no one ever.

I feel my face started to flush from embarrassment, "that's the problem I've never been with no one before, well of course I tried doing myself but it never worked." I cover my face with my palms, because now I can die from the embarrassment.

"Love don't go all shy now, don't feel embarrassed please, this is most natural thing. You don't need to feel shame about it. And I'm glad I made you come last night then, did you enjoyed ?"

I nod, still with my palms on my face.

Next thing I feel Harry wrap his finger around my wrist, trying to remove my hands from my face.

He succeeded.

He's a lot stronger than me, so yeah I tried as hard as I can to hold it, but I failed.

But I kept my eyes closed, and you can't do nothing about it.


"Hailey..-" he says my name in a warning tone, "you have about five seconds to open your eyes, or else.."

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