Chapter 1

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Emily Prentiss is 30 years old and on the way to her new job as an FBI agent for the BAU.
Emily has met the team already and became quite close to them. Although she does have her eye on a particular blonde with longed and deep blue eyes,.
Although she does have one secret that no one knows about, not to her liking but her mother has kept it a secret for 15 years with much protest from Emily but nothing ever makes her mother happy.

She walked through the doors of the of the office and straight over to the gorgeous blonde talking to Spencer

"Emily! You're here!" She exclaims jumping up to give me a hug

"I am, I have to meet with Hotch any idea where he is?" I ask

"Right behind you, I hope you are settling in well Agent Prentiss" he says behind me

"Yes sir, just wanted to let you know I made it in" I say

"Thank you now we have a case I hope you all have your to-go bags" he says walking away which causes us all to follow.

" Houston, Texas
23 year old Tracy Holland found inside of a Walmart bathroom, she was found naked and showed signs of sexual assault, and an X carved into her hip bone
A week later Tiffany Moyer found in a gas station bathroom same thing found naked, sexual assault and an X carved into her hip bone,
Both of these women are petit and blonde, one was a banker the other a manager at a local cafe, both reported missing 2 days before they were found with no witnesses and the cameras were cut.
April Showman reported missing this morning by her sister so we are being called in" Garcia explained

"You all know the drill, wheels up in 30" Hotch says and we all Dissemble

"You ready for this?" JJ ask me

"Of course I just have to make a phone call" I smile stepping away


Hey baby, I am heading to Texas today for a case shouldn't take longer than a week and I'll be back, I love you

Okay, be safe please, I love you

I will, I promise, be good and I'll see you soon

I hang up and meet the rest of the team at the jet

"Hot Date?" Derek jokes

"Maybe, maybe not" I smile back and take a seat next to Jennifer,

We arrive in Houston and meet with the local detectives to go over the case and we all head back to the hotel to turn in for the night,

"Meet back here at 7 in the morning, JJ and Emily share a room, Derek and Reid, Rossi and I,
Does that work for everyone?" Hotch says and we all nod heading to our rooms

"Hey Emily" I hear JJ say

"Yea?" I reply

"So did you really have a hot date" she says looking down

I chuckle "No, family matters, plus my eye may or may not be on someone already" I say and wink at her before heading to the bathroom,

We get ready for bed and turn the lights out

"Emily get up" I hear in the morning along with a pillow being thrown at me with Jennifer's laughter filling the room,

I groan and cover my head back up

"Emily Prentiss! Get your ass up before you make us late" she says again

This time I get up and get dressed and we head down to the lobby, being the first ones there

"That wasn't very nice of you this morning" I smirk

"Sorry, but you weren't getting up" she laughs and blushes

We talk a little more and the rest of the teams join us,

"How was your night love birds" Derek says

"Pretty good, we're we too loud?" I say which makes Jennifer's eyes widen and Derek laugh

"Ehm" Hotch clears his throat behind us

"Sorry sir" I say quickly

"Alright let's moving" he says and we all head to the local department,

"So the unsub is clearly taking his anger out on his victims, maybe he was rejected by someone who he cared deeply for and in return he is taking it out on helpless women," Rossi adds

We continue the conversation until we reach a profile and delivered it to the whole department,

After a whole night of searching and eliminating people we caught the unsub, he killed in his house which we found out after we caught him,

A long trip and we were heading home,

"Anyone up for a drink?" Derek ask

"I'm in" JJ and Reid both say

"I'm buying let's go" Rossi says

"You coming Em" JJ ask

"Um no, I have to get home" I say

"That's right you got your hot date waiting" Derek jokes

"Aww don't be sad Morgan you'll find someone too" I joke back and we all leave me heading back to the house,

"Kenna I'm home" I yell walking in the door and she runs down

"I missed you" she smiles as I bring her into a hug

"I know I'm sorry, I hate leaving you alone,"

"I'm okay, I don't mind, you are out saving lives and I ordered pizza it should be here soon" she smiles

"Did you order takeout every night?" I chuckle

"Maybe" she smiles and answers the door when there is a knock, I shake my head and head to the kitchen.

"You didn't throw any parties did you?" I joke with her

"Seriously? No one even knows I exist, you won't even let me go to school. I'm stuck in this fucking house while a teacher comes to me" she rolls her eyes

" language!" I scold

"And I know Kenna, I'm sorry, you know if it was up to me everyone would know about you. I want nothing more than that." I say

"It is up to you though! You are 30 years old, you aren't 15 any more, you can make your own decisions but you don't. I'm here all the time, you don't understand anything" she yells

"Kenna... it's not that simple and you know it. Elizabeth did this she didn't want me to ruin her reputation" I reply

"No, she didn't want me to ruin her reputation, you just went out and slept with some guy at 15 and got pregnant. You shouldn't have even had me! You know what mom, I'm going to bed" she says and runs up the stairs

She is right, my mother didn't like me expressing my sexuality with women so I went out and slept with a guy to make her happy and I got pregnant which upset her even more, she wanted me to get an abortion but I couldn't, no way. Elizabeth kept her a secret from the world, she doesn't want her reputation ruined by her daughter who got pregnant at 15. It's not fair to Kenna,

I put some food on a plate and took it up to her room, I knocked and she didn't answer so I walked in and put it on her end table

"I love you" I say and walk out down the hall to my room to shower and head to bed myself.

This is a spur of the moment chapter and I'm not even sure it's that good, leave your opinions if you think I should continue or not,

Till next time ❤️

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