Chapter 61

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Emily and I just got back from the doctors and we're sitting in the living room.

I'm so happy, like ecstatic. I can't wait to be a mom again. I can't wait too see Kenna with the baby either.

But even though I'm so happy I'm also worried. What if I miscarry, if I do I'm not sure I am even going to want to carry anymore. We ordered Makenna a shirt that said best big sister on it but it won't arrive for a few days so we plan on keeping it a secret

I'm only 6 weeks which is way too early to even notice anything. As Dr.Montgomery was showing us the ultrasound all I seen was a blob of nothing.

"You're thinking" Emily says, I really hate being married to a profiler sometimes

"I just can't wait to tell Makenna" I smile

6 weeks later

So now it's 6 weeks after I found out I was pregnant, I'm 12 weeks along now. We decided or I decided that we should wait to tell Makenna about the baby. I just didn't want to get her hopes up and then for something to happen. We had an ultrasound yesterday and everything was good so today we were finally going to be giving her the shirt when she got home,

Emily likes to keep her hand on my stomach as we sleep, right now it looks like I'm just bloated all the time. I have always had an issue with self image so the growing bump is going to be hard to deal with.

"I Love you" she smiles and kisses my neck,

I hate when she does this. Ever since the 10 week mark I have been craving sex all the time but Emily refuses to have sex until our next appointment at 20 weeks! She's driving me crazy. She said it's just being cautious and I get that but I need an orgasm. I'm so close to just achieving it myself at this point

"Emily" I warn and she backs off

"If you're not going to give me sex then back off" I say and she puts her hands up in defeat and smiles,

Around 4 we heard the car door shut and we knew that Makenna was home

"Here goes nothing" I smile and we get up, Emily ran upstairs to grab the bag for her

"How was school?" I ask while Emily was upstairs

"Good, - horrible actually, my professor is trying to give me an F on my essay because I didn't double space my sentences like he wanted. Like who even does that" she vents

"I'm sorry babe," I sigh

"I might have something to make your day a little better" I say and she picks her head off the table as Emily brings her "present" down and gives it too her

She opens it up and pulls out the shirt first

"Wait- you're pregnant?" She exclaims and I nod

"Oh my god! That's so exciting!! Best Christmas gift ever. How far along are you?" She ask me, today was her last day of school before break making Christmas  just a week away

"12 weeks" I smiles

"Wait, wouldn't that be when you tried the first time? I thought you said it was negative" she ask still looking at her shirt

"They were, we went to the OB and she got all up in my personal space with this wand and said that I was indeed pregnant. We wanted to wait a little longer to tell you incase anything happened" I say

"I'm so happy for you, and me" she chuckles

"When's the baby due then?" She ask

"I'm June" Emily tells her

" I love you guys!" She says and gives us a hug

"Are you going to tell everyone?" She ask me, we thought about it but I think we're just going to keep it between us as long as possible

"Not yet. We're waiting until we find out the gender or until they figure it out" I tell her

"Can I tell Grant?" She ask us

"That's fine" we tell her and she smiles and runs upstairs to I assume is to call her boyfriend

I was feeling a little sick so I went upstairs to take a bath to hopefully make me feel better,

Emily came up after me and brought me some juice and crackers. I know it's really early still but she has been an amazing help, I feel sick all the time now and I couldn't imagine going through this at 15

"Here baby" she says handing me a glass and sitting on the edge of the tub

"Thank you" I say and hand it back to her

"Can you get in with me?" I ask her and she chuckles

"Yea baby" she smiles and gets undressed, I scoot up in the tub so she can get in behind me and I alley down against her chest and she puts her hand on my stomach

"Will you still love me if I get fat?" I ask her

"Jennifer, I will love you forever no matter what. You're carrying out baby. You're going to put on some weight and that's okay. You're perfect in every way and your body is perfect in every way." She tells me and it seems to relax me a little

"I love you" I smile and tilt my head back so I could give her a kiss

"I would love you even more if you gave me sex" I say and she laughs

"8 weeks is a long time Emily" I pout

"You're right, I just want to make sure everything is okay first" she says

"So if I call the doctor and she says I can have sex you will?" I ask seriously and she laughs and nods

"Yes, if you get a doctors note" she says and I roll my eyes and lay back into her

"Have you thought about names?" She ask me

"No, other than if it's a girl I want to incorporate Roslyn" I say

"I love that" she says and continues stroking my stomach

"Mom? Momma?" We hear Makenna yell going into our room

"We're in the bath" Emily yells back and I chuckle thinking of how she just scarred our daughter even more

"Can I go with Grant for a little? I'll be back tonight" she ask

"That's fine, I love you" Emily says

"Thank you! Love you too" she says and we hear her run out of our room

"She seems happy" I smile

"Yea she does"

Till next time ❤️

They are having a baby!.....

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