Chapter 51

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Emily's POV

Today we were meeting with the lawyer so we could sort everything out, I still need to decide if I want my job back at the BAU. Spencer is still mad and Derek is hurt. I'm going to go see him later to try and smooth things over.

Kenna and Oakley left for school about 20 minutes ago now, and JJ and I were getting ready to meet with the lawyer

I threw on one of my suits and she had a white button down with black jeans

"You look fancy" I say and she smiles

"I hate lawyers" she sighs

"I know" I say, they are a pain to deal with and a pain to work with

"Do we have time to stop for coffee?" She ask and i nod

"It's not like they can start without us" I chuckle and she smiles as we leave the house and drive to the nearest Starbucks then to meet the lawyer

"Emily" he says as we sit down at the table

"Donald, it's good to see you" I say

"Likewise, I have so many questions but we'll just stick to the business part of it" he explains and Jennifer and I nod in agreement

"First up is your daughter, Jennifer needs to sign this paper to give you your rights back" he says

"Jennifer is also legally her mother, what rights are you talking about?" I ask

"Oh I know, Emily when you "died" you didn't just lose finances. You lost the legality of Makenna being your child." He explains

"I didn't know that" I sigh

"I need a pen" Jennifer says and he hands her one so she can sigh the paper

"So now she is my daughter legally now?" I ask

"Yes, now you both are legally her parents" he explains and we nod

"Next, the money. Are you wanting to keep it conjoined or how do you wasn't to handle this?" He ask me

"Keeping it conjoined, I want Jennifer to be able to access it" I say and she looks over at me

"Emily are you sure? I don't need your money" she says and I sigh

"It's not my money. It's ours. And yes I'm sure" I say and  she nods and we both have to sign this paper

"Now Makennas trust fund. When you left nothing changed and it was set up for no matter what when she turned 25 she gets it. I know you have it where if you don't think she is ready for it you can hold off on it. In an event where something happens to you and you are unable to make that decision would you want Jennifer to step in?" He ask me

"Yea that's fine" I say and rest my hand on Jennifer's leg since she was bouncing it in hopes to calm her nerves

We signed a few more papers and we left and decided to grab a quick lunch down at the diner,

"So.... I have to ask. Did you know about having to go into hiding or did you have a say?" She ask me after we sit down with the coffee we had ordered

"No.. I woke up in the hospital in Paris, there 3 agents came in dressed as doctors and started calling me Lauren... before I was allowed to protest they handed me a piece of paper that basically said to keep my mouth shut about who I was then once I got out of the hospital I was picked up by those same agents and taken to a safe house where they explained everything, they told me if I had contact with anyone who knew me as Emily I would be putting you and Kenna at risk...." I tell her

"I'm sorry you had to go through that.... so what? They just started calling you Lauren?" She ask and I chuckle

"Yea pretty much, Lauren Reynolds, and now to people who know me as her think she died in a car crash..." I say and she laughs

"You can't keep faking your death" she smiles

"I don't plan on it" I say

Makennas POV

The next morning Oakley and I were on the way to school, she decided to just ride with me instead of taking her car,

"Go ahead" I sigh as we start driving

"What?" She ask

"The questions,,, I know you have them" I say and she nods

"When?" She ask me

"Umm Friday"


"Something to do with the FBI it was for our protection she says" I explain

"Why aren't you happy then?" She ask and I laugh

"I wish I was.... I don't know and I hate that I keep getting asked that question because I don't know. And if I say I'm not happy I'm the bad person because I'm lucky, that my mom is alive and not buried in the cemetery 30 minutes from our house" I say, I didn't mean to go off on her

"I'm sorry" I reply

"No, it's okay." She says and takes my hand as we pull of to a red light

"It will be okay, eventually. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will be" she tells me and I smiles and our my hand back on the wheel to continue the drive

Oakley and I went our separate ways since I had to meet up with someone.

"Makenna..." they say and I turn around

"Ryan" I smile and he gives me a hug

"What can I do for you?" He ask

"What do you think?" I say

"I thought you were done?" He says and I shake my head

"Nope, life's a mess and I need something to calm me down" I say and he nods reaching into his pocket and pulls out a baggy

"No more than 3" he says and I nod

"Yea I know" I say and hand him some money then head to my next class, I took 2 pills before walking in and sitting down at my seat,

There it was. That familiar feeling of being free, oh how I missed this,

I finished class and left to go back to Grants dorm to wait on him. He told me his professor was keeping him after a little so he would be late getting back here

I sat down on his bed and scrolled through my social media and memories of my mom and I were popping up,

We used to be so close and I miss that, I miss our mother daughter dates I miss our laughter, I miss her hugs. I miss everything. And it's my fault we can't have that back. Just because my feelings don't know what's going on, a couple tears fell down my cheek and I reach back into my pocket to pull out the oxy, how bad can it actually be to take more?

I took most of the remaining pills and went on my phone a little to wait on Grant, at first I didn't feel any different. Then I felt lighter which is an odd way to put it,

Grant texted and said he was on his way. I started to feel sick and dizzy and went to the bathroom in thoughts that I was going to puke, the room started to spin around me and my head was pounding and the next thing I know i was on the floor, I heard Grant come in and yell for me and then come into the bathroom, I could see his feet and that was it, I couldn't move. It was like my body was paralyzed

"Makenna! Oh my god. Are you okay? Look at me" he says getting down on the floor in front of me but I couldnt say anything. His yells starting to drown out as my vision becomes black and slowly everything around me disappears

Till next time❤️

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