Chapter 47

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Emily's POV

"What the hell" Derek exclaims once I got back in the conference room after watching JJ and Kenna leave

"Derek" Hotch says

"Are you serious? I had so much guilt about this and you knew she was alive the entire time?" He says and storms out

Penelope gets up and hugs me with tears in her eyes

"Oh Emily" she says and I hug her back

"Guys I'm sorry, I couldn't risk anything. Happening to Kenna or JJ" I tell them. Spencer yet to say anything and a new agent. Rossi also knew I was alive so he isn't shocked

"I thought you were my friend" Spencer says walking out

"Welcome back" Rossi says trying to lighten the mood and I smile

"Yea well this is not how I seen it going. My daughter hates me. My wife hates me" I sigh sitting down next to Penelope

"They don't hate you, they need time. They went through a lot without you Em" she tells me

"I need to talk to them" I say

"Go" Hotch tells me and I nod, leaving and going to the house.

I feel terrible for all the pain I caused everyone but in the end it was for their protection and I know JJ will understand that. Also I heard Kenna call her Momma, that's new. I always thought I would be around when and if she decided she wanted too. I missed so much in these 6 months I mean Kenna's freshman year is almost over. I kept track on them. Would check their socials periodically under a different name of course. They didn't post much or none that I could see.

When I got to the house I took a breath before I walked in. Jennifer's car was gone so I knew they weren't here.

It's all the same.I walked to Kenna's room and she kept hers the same but it has more pictures of her and Grant. It's good to see they are still together. I left her room and went to mine, or my old one. Some of my clothes were folded in a clothes basket and most were out of the closet. JJ must have not hung them back up after she wore them. There's a picture of us together on her nightstand along with one of Kenna and us all together. I sat down on the bed a little looking at the photos before getting back up and out to my car. The only other place I could think they would be would be Jennifer's parents.


I woke up around 5 and Kenna was out of the bed so I got up and walked downstairs, she was sitting with my parents at the table

"Hey momma" she smiles

"Hey love" I say and kiss her head before pouring myself a cup of coffee

"You're up early" I told her

"Couldn't sleep" she says and I nod

"Are you going to talk to your mom?" My mom ask her and she shakes her head

"Not now" she replies. I'm not going to force her to talk to Emily until she is ready. She has every right to be upset. Once I sat down there is a knock at the door

"Who is here at this hour" my dad says and I sigh

"I think I have an idea" I say and get up walking to the door before opening it.

"Emily" I say and can't help but smile

"Hey baby" she says

"Momma can I go to grants? He said he can come get me" Kenna says walking out,

"That's fine" I tell her and she walks upstairs ignoring Emily completely

"She hates me" Emily says

"She's mad, and she has every right to be" I tell her

"Emily" my mom smiles and comes out giving her a hug and brings her inside

"Hello Sandy" she smiles

"Would you like some coffee?" My mom ask her

"Uh no thank you, I'm good" she says

"Okay, I'm going to let you two talk" she says and walks away

"Can we step outside?" She ask me and I  nod grabbing my jacket and following her outside

"I'm sorry," she starts

"I did this to protect you, and I understand you're mad. But I love you too much to lose you. Not a day went by where I didn't think of how you were doing. If there was another way don't you think I would have done that? Damn it Jennifer it was so fucking hard to be away from you. It was hell. I was actually wishing I had died. I never wanted to be away from you, we were planning our honeymoon for gods sake and now. You won't even look at me" she says with tears in her eyes and I can't keep mine in anymore so she sits down and hugs me as we both cry

"I understand" I say

"I understand why you did it Emily, I do. And I would do anything to keep you and Kenna safe. But, I think you were expecting to come back and act like nothing had happened and, I don't know if I can do that. Of course I still love you, like I said in my vows 'Always and forever' through thick and thin. I will be here. And I'm here now. Emily I love you so much that I'm mad, I'm mad that this was kept a secret from me. " I say wiping my eyes.

"I know, and I didn't expect for everything to go back to normal immediately but I didn't expect my daughter to hate me.... I love you Jennifer and I would like it very much if you gave me a chance to show you how sorry I really am" she says and rest her head against mine, we sat in silence for a while.
Not a bad kind but a comfortable kind,

Losing track of time until a car pulled up and Grant steps out, the front door opens and Kenna comes out and runs into his arms and he holds her

"Bye momma" she says and gets in the car with Grant as they drive off again

"She needs time" I tell Emily.

"Yea, time" she says smiling but I know she is hurt,


"At the office. Kenna said I didn't know what she had to resort to?" She says and I look down

"Was she cutting again?" She ask me and I shook my head

"No, but She was hurt Emily, and I mean we were just getting in a good spot again and... not that I'm not happy you're alive. I am. But Kenna needs time, she took some pills to help her study then it became more if when she took them she didn't think of you" I say and she looks away

"I hurt her more then she should be hurt in her entire life and She's only 16" Emily says

Till next time ❤️

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